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In the modern world with its fleeting time, we are probably already accustomed to such a phenomenon as stress. It is difficult for us to plan, manage and act in spite of circumstances if we do not have the magical skill of stress resistance. Stress (from the English stress - pressure, tension) is the body’s reaction to an impact that disrupts its vital functions, as well as the corresponding state of the nervous system of the body or the entire body as a whole . Stress can be physical or emotional. However, its effect on our body has common features. Fatigue, poor sleep, increased or decreased appetite, changes in behavior, increased conflict, decreased concentration - these are some of the few manifestations of stress. An increasing number of people today complain of stress. Our profession places increasingly high demands on each of us; we must achieve impeccable results in conditions of constant time pressure and growing competition. The time during which we could relax and calm down or pursue our hobbies is either inexorably shrinking or disappearing altogether. The result: we feel tired, unbalanced, and in the worst cases, physical illness begins. Stress itself can be not only negative, but also positive. For example, stress at work can also carry a positive charge such as an increase in working capacity or finding new resources and ways of doing work. Everyone needs stress in small quantities, as it makes you think and look for a way out of the problem. But on the other hand, if there is too much stress, the body weakens, loses strength and the ability to solve problems. Those who are highly susceptible to stress should develop their own personal anti-stress strategy. The important thing here is to identify personal irritants and then consistently eliminate them. External: such as lack of time, “instructions from above” at work, depressing background money situation, etc. Internal, such as a personal (inflated) sense of responsibility, fears of competition or loss, fear of not being able to cope with something. Whatever your stress mindset is, it is not something immutable, you can change it! Here are a few simple exercises that you can do to increase your resistance to stress. Let's start with the most enjoyable thing - choosing and listening to a piece of music. Choose a pleasant, favorite composition, which has the additional advantage that you will get used to this particular music and over time associate it with a feeling of peace and relaxation. This will enhance the desired effect. Your body will take advantage of and enjoy these small breaks, especially if you take them in the middle of the work day. This will be more useful than if you lasted all day, and in the evening you finished work half an hour earlier. The easiest way to relieve stress is sleep, especially after a walk in the fresh air. If you get up well-slept and rested, then you have all the conditions to maintain calm and equanimity throughout the day. The most sustainable way to deal with stress is intense physical activity - and as a pleasant way to get rid of it, dancing, swimming, and group sports games. Breathing exercises will help you cope with stress. This is uniform, calm breathing. Inhalation should be taken deeply through the nose. You need to exhale slowly and through your mouth. Get used to the abdominal breathing method, controlling it with your hand lying on your stomach. Use relaxation sessions with musical accompaniment. Remember, everything is in your hands!
