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Once, as part of a team of gaming practitioners at the Glorium company, I worked at one of the Sberbank congresses. Many regional representatives gathered for the event. Our task was to make sure that people who were seeing each other for the first time quickly came to a professional dialogue. We arranged 20 tables and put on each one... “Tambolia.” “Tambolia” is a transformational psychological game originally from America. It was invented by physicist James Taylor Marshall. The game is based on a map of human conditions. The author spent more than 30 years of his life compiling it. He traveled around the world, collected archetypes, spent 4 years in a Tibetan monastery, where he studied mandalas and meditation. It would seem, how can a tool that is imbued with Buddhist mandalas and concepts about the meaning of life work in business? Maybe. We knew Tambolia's resources very well, but we did not expect such an amazing effect. Correctly launched dynamics of the game allowed the participants of the banking meeting to become so excited that we could not tear them away from the gaming tables. The game brought people together so quickly that they talked and talked about their professional achievements and what else could be done. And this is not surprising, because Tambolia is a universal tool for finding answers, opportunities, and solutions. Later, I was invited to hold a “meeting” in a smaller company, where there were about twenty employees. The director of the company is an extraordinary person, he thinks outside the box and loves to introduce something new into business processes. Play at a planning meeting? Why not. The staff was wary of this decision at first, but as soon as the dice were thrown on the playing field, the tension disappeared as if by hand. People working side by side for 5-6 years learned completely new things about each other for the first time. Here, unlike the Sberbank meeting, personal issues were resolved. It became clear why this or that person cannot cope with tasks, and how to help him. The game changed the microclimate in this team and launched new business ideas. “There’s definitely no magic there, isn’t it incredible?” – the business owner later asked me. I have been working with Tambolia for more than 10 years, from the very moment it appeared here in Russia. My friends made a video about this game, it can still be seen on the Internet https://youtu.be/q12TRyFdtzU I was one of the first to test the game immediately after being translated into Russian. I fell in love with her instantly. It’s impossible not to accept it, it lights you up, brings you to a new level of self-awareness, otherwise my clients wouldn’t come to play it again and again. Each symbol and sign on the Tambolia card contains certain information; these are the keys to our subconscious, which contains answers to questions from personal to corporate. Once, a close friend of mine, a university teacher, asked me to come to the game. It was interesting what kind of wonder this was - a playing field with bright pictures, a cube, a stalker and pilgrims. He did not play, but just stood and watched. I don't know how deeply he was absorbed in what was happening, but an idea suddenly struck him. It formed the basis of a new interactive method of teaching students. This is such a powerful field that “Tambolia” has. This game has already been adopted by HR, since it very well reveals applicants when applying for a job, their personal qualities, and the ability to think outside the box. “Tambolia” is the most universal game of all the transformational ones that exist in my arsenal. It is organic in any space, both domestic and business. This is both an exciting quest and a very serious tool at the same time. The game reveals huge reserves that are hidden in our unconscious, and which can take us to another higher quality level of life. If you want to get an important answer to a question, I invite you to play Tamboliya. You can sign up for the game by calling +7 (903) 196-12-66 or in any messenger convenient for you.
