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No matter what anyone says, a person cannot live in peace. Well, it’s not in his power! And why? Peace of mind is valuable when it is in short supply. Then it, cherished, becomes an alluring oasis in the desert of constant stress. And even if stress is taken and wiped off the face of the earth, we will miss it. We'll come up with it ourselves! Do you know why? Because for normal functioning the human body needs adrenaline - this “king” of stress and fear. A steam locomotive without fuel is just a monument on the rails, and a person without adrenaline is an apathetic vegetable! Adrenaline: the right to existAdrenaline plays one of the main roles in the movie “life”. This is a hormone that, simply put, excites the central nervous system. In conditions of fear and danger, under the impression of stress, when “everything inside freezes,” our body “gives heat”: the heartbeat increases, the pupils dilate, and excitement instantly increases. This is the spectacular release of adrenaline on stage. Bravo, its content in the blood increases tenfold! The production of adrenaline is a sacred right of the human body. We can thank him for not disappearing as a species. And that's why. From time immemorial, it is responsible for mobilizing the body and includes intense brain activity. Let us remember our bearded primitive ancestors. Each day began with a quest “how to avoid danger” and ended with the slogan “wow, I’m still alive!” Satisfying the need for security (which is declared basic in our time) was a fantastic luxury in prehistoric times. The struggle for food, cold, eternally hungry dinosaurs and bloodthirsty (undeveloped by psychologists, since they had not yet been found in nature) fellow tribesmen - that’s what filled man’s leisure time. If you gape and don’t react with lightning speed, they’ll eat you, kill you, and you’ll die! Here are the conditions under which the round-the-clock constant production of a high dose of adrenaline was the only chance to survive in a hostile world. Gifts of todayWhat are we? Do we have 21st century children? We see predators only on TV (and they are periodically defeated by “Aliens”). The comfort of civilization makes the physical struggle for survival (in the literal sense of the word) an atavism. A blow to the head with a baton, the kidnapping of someone else’s wife already causes public condemnation and is relished in every way in the “Let Them Talk” program. Technology has replaced physical labor, computer buttons have replaced many actions. A person’s life has smoothed out, become calmer and... more boring! We still experience stress, but to a greater extent it is generated by our internal attitude to the situation, and not by real danger. In the end, as in that joke, “the spoons were found, but the sediment remained.” That is, objectively, adrenaline began to be released less frequently, but the need for it remained. After all, the body requires stable, regular production of hormones to maintain balance. And then Ostap got carried away: why, why, where? Adrenaline thirst resulted in gambling, competitions, extreme sports and dangerous sports. Acute situations, alcohol, drugs, energy drinks - all this unbalances a person, heightens the senses, and “fire boils” in the blood. Yes, adrenaline excites you and makes you feel “more alive than all the living.” Its trick is that the adrenaline surge gives a state of slight intoxication. It acts on the vascular and nervous system in the same way as the stimulants described above. Following the sharp excitement comes relaxation, euphoria and pleasant sensations. Who wouldn't want to repeat it?! More pepper for me! Modern life does not allow a person to maintain the elimination regime naturally, without additional stimulants. So that “both the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe,” we are forced to feed our adrenaline beast. Thus, the right food for this “pet” comes to the fore, that is, the selection of a relatively harmless stimulant. To be honest, Ostap “may suffer.” But let’s not exaggerate – let’s take it for granted that the average citizen will reject alcohol abuse, drug use and violent energy drinks. What I want -I don’t know what I know - I don’t want What happens if a person, for various reasons, neglects stimulants? I don’t agree to jump with a parachute and hang on a bungee (for example, I live on a plain and have nowhere to rush) I’m not ready to participate in fist fights in the ring ( he’s afraid of breaking his beautiful nose, etc.) he’s too lazy/to travel far/Mondays are cancelled, where it all starts/it’s expensive/no sneakers to go to the gym.he’s against one-armed bandits and would rather eat his work book than risk participating in gambling on With his hard-earned money, he advocates peace and quiet, a measured lifestyle, doesn’t get involved in anything, prefers valerian to champagne (otherwise you’ll have to take risks!) and lives imitating the wise minnow from the Saltykov-Shchedrin fairy tale. This is where the fun begins. In any case, a person is objectively forced to provoke the production of adrenaline. And he can do this in alternative ways. The “beauty” of such methods is that the person does not realize this and does not even assume what actually drives his behavior! Adrenaline: Left Prey So, this is what happens when an unmet need goes sideways. 1. Option “Mule, don’t make me nervous.” A person overdramatizes the events of his life, makes himself nervous and makes others nervous. He cherishes his suffering, involuntarily choosing it. Slogan: “my misfortune is the most disastrous misfortune in the world. This is unbearable.” A typical case: an acute reaction, when even minor plans are disrupted, those around them do not play the roles assigned to them in advance. A curious thing from practice: “Can you imagine, he eats everything with a spoon, even meat. How can he do this to me?! I can’t cope with the situation and I can’t re-educate him! Scoundrel! (client about her husband) 2. Option “A spark will ignite a flame.” A person makes scandals with or without reason, becomes irritable, easily breaks down, and creates conflict situations. Relatives and friends are in a minefield. Slogan: “I’ll show you!” Everything you say will be used against you, and everything you don’t say will be used against you, too (I know, they’re planning a dirty trick behind my back, that’s why keep quiet) Typical case: spouses who, after many years of marriage, know very well the location of pain points and prohibited techniques, nevertheless, they consciously hit these points. A funny thing from practice: “Yes, I know that my wife can’t stand it when I call her “babe” (because she thinks that I’m hinting at her excess weight), but I I love arguing with her so much! To my shame, I actually feel a kind of sadistic joy when she gets angry or bursts into tears” (client about his wife). 3. Option “It can’t be, or looking for a fly in the ointment in a jar of honey.” A person is “imprisoned” (predisposed) to acute or inharmonious situations and relationships, to struggle. Looks at the world from a tricky perspective. Erects a monument to his suffering as an integral part of existence in the present and future. Slogan: “An apple must be wormy. If it is not wormy, it is not an apple at all. Non-wormy apples are not considered because they have no right to exist. Typical case: no luck. Everything is repeated over and over again. Easy, harmonious ways to realize your plans pass by, optimal relationships are not chosen, suitable partners are not considered. Options for the development of events are being created where you will definitely have to worry. Here you can see a classic example of confirmation of one of the hypotheses of family integrative psychotherapy: “Partners see something in each other that confirms their fear and mistrust (although they do not allow themselves to openly admit it). It’s surprising that they provoke in each other exactly the expected behavior that they are afraid of, as if they are trying to quickly test their guesses, or are trying to fulfill their own predictions" (see Virginia Satir, "Family Psychotherapy") Curious from practice: " You know, I seem to have met a decent person. A decent, positive character. But I don’t like him. He’s kind of... good. There’s no danger in him, he’s not invigorating.!©
