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“I see right through people.” What does it mean? From time to time there are people who believe that they themselves or their friends “see right through people.” What are we really talking about? After all, in fact, only machines like X-rays can see “through”, and even then with limitations! Option one - a person has vast experience, excellent intuition and developed abilities for empathy (that is, feeling into an emotional state). For example, a sensitive nurse with thirty years of experience will “see right through” across the entire corridor a patient who does not take his pills or is trying to bring illegal alcohol into the hospital. Option two - the person is emotionally sensitive (not so much to what happens to other people, but is highly vulnerable to what happens to him) and has magical thinking. Magical thinking is based on crooked logic and false arguments. It seems to a person that reality can be influenced with the help of symbolic actions and thoughts: if you beat a tambourine - it will rain, put a special bracelet on your hand - you will meet love, think about something bad - something bad will happen... And a person with magical thinking is uncritical - that is, he believes that that he is right in any case and refuses any reasonable verification. It would seem that at least conduct a thought experiment, look and count - how many women with bracelets have met their prince and live happily ever after with him solely because of the bracelet? Or think “bad things” a hundred times and count how many times really bad things will happen? Well, there will be a coincidence a couple of times. But no, what kind of experiments are there - it’s too energy-intensive. Magical thinking is inadequate, but subjectively good. It is very convenient for children: the world immediately becomes colorful and magical, and the person himself becomes exceptional, and this allows the child to experience the harsh and uncomfortable truth that he is small, in many ways helpless, dependent, he still lacks neither knowledge nor strength . Agree, it’s much easier and more pleasant to think that some tooth fairy flew in at night and left some candy - that means the fairy is kind and will protect you if necessary, that means there are so many exciting things in the world and the baby himself is simply wonderful and special (not for everyone the fairies are coming). It is no coincidence that in troubled times, even educated adults begin to slide from sober logical thinking to magical thinking. Remember the 90s - who didn’t “charge” water from the TV! A lot of stress, a “dark streak”, a threat to life, etc. - in such conditions, a temporary “loss of reason” can really be a salvation for the psyche. Unfortunately, magical thinking gives us a feeling of security, but in fact, especially in the long term, we move away from reality and miss opportunities. And then reality hits - suddenly and inevitably. It turns out that in order to build close relationships, you had to not go to fortune tellers and wear amulets, but learn to communicate, treat others with care and at the same time defend your interests - and you are already a hundred years old. To learn poetry, you did not need to put a book under your pillow, but read the poems themselves several times. And to prevent the rain from coming, there is nothing you can do here at all, you shouldn’t spend money on a tambourine... This article was not written for those who “see right through people.” It is impossible to “turn on” logic and common sense to a person who does not want it. This article is for those who live next to those who see through them. I would like to wish you to treat those who “see right through” with care and understanding (after all, this is usually associated with increased vulnerability) and to maintain the ability to think logically yourself. And then, unfortunately, the world will not be magical, but, fortunately, you will be able to take responsibility for your life and be the main wizard for yourself.
