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The month begins on the 11th lunar day. Its symbol is the “Fiery Sword”, as well as the “Crown”. This is a very powerful, energetically saturated period that requires maximum concentration and self-control. If you managed to think through your affairs in detail, weigh the pros and cons, you can’t think of a better day to realize what you want . It also inclines to impulsive, rash actions. This is the case when a weapon in the hands of a weakling controls him, subjugates his mind and will, and, in the end, destroys him. The “Fire Sword” respects inner strength, determination, the will to win with a clear mind. Then he will be your best assistant and friend. Everything that you launched on this day (the whole month bears his imprint) will come to its logical conclusion. It is recommended to consciously approach this issue and complete the work started on this day under your vigilant control. Otherwise, they will ripen on their own and may bear very unexpected fruits. March is very rich in aspects. We definitely won’t be bored. The opposition of the Sun and Lilith on March 1 opens the “season” of revelations, highlighting the shadow sides of the personality of those who have a major aspect in the natal chart between these planets or any other planet in 8 - 12 degrees of Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius and Gemini. To a lesser extent - those who have planets or important points of the horoscope in the same degrees of signs: Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo and Taurus. Shadow is not always bad. This is what is hidden from our attention or what we are not aware of. At a certain moment, we may unexpectedly perform some action, show some side of our personality, or learn something new about people we know well. On March 2, there will be an exact opposition between Mercury and Jupiter. First of all, this will create a tense situation on the roads, increase talkativeness, and contribute to the incitement of noisy disputes and conflicts. March 3rd – the trine of Jupiter and Uranus will expand our perception to the stellar horizons. The brain will be able to generate extraordinary ideas, add and integrate things that seem incompatible at first glance, and notice extraordinary incidents in the ordinary world. Mercury exits the loop on March 3rd. This means that all aspects and problems affected by it during its retrograde period are completed or suspended until the next retrograde period. On March 4th, Venus will conjunct Uranus and form a trine to Jupiter. “Small” and “Big Happiness” will come together harmoniously, creating favorable opportunities for generating income and unexpected gifts from Fate. Also, the aspect will provoke “falling head over heels in love”, sudden outbreak of great feelings and bizarre forms of aesthetic taste, will enhance the ability to paint, creativity, and the craving for extravagant design solutions. March 5 – square of Venus and Pluto. Aspect of sexual passion and mental suffering. It provokes attacks of jealousy, a relationship crisis, emotional and sexual dissatisfaction. For some people, it can turn into irrepressible passion and sexual insatiability, for others - a break in relationships. In other areas of life, the tense aspects of Venus and Pluto manifest themselves as unexpected financial collapse, sudden changes in the value system, preferences, tastes, crisis in the field of art. On March 10, the trine of Jupiter and Mars creates favorable opportunities for self-realization and the realization of your ambitious plans, achievements in sports, and military affairs. If the aspect somehow affects your natal chart, you can feel a surge of incredible strength and energy. Any business with such an energy surge has a chance to achieve the most unimaginable results. On March 11, the conjunction of Mars and Uranus creates “electrification” in society, provokes rash impulsive actions, and, at the same time, sharply increases the level of energy and extrasensory abilities. Diseases of the nervous system worsen, the threat of fires, explosions and “short circuits” increases - as in electrical wiring andneurons of the brain. March 12 – the square of Mars and Pluto increases aggression in society, creates the preconditions for mass riots, creates a crowd effect, and also provokes large-scale accidents and disasters. On March 14, Saturn goes retrograde. During the period of Saturn retrograde, various systems and structures are subject to revision. This may affect the organizational system of the enterprise, the system of power, finance, etc. You may need to change your own routine and/or reconsider your attitude towards self-discipline. The skeletal system and skeletal muscles can tell you about your incorrect attitude towards the concept of life’s foundations, foundations, internal personality structure, stability and ability to move through life. We receive such messages from our body through the exacerbation of corresponding diseases and injuries. During the period of Saturn retrograde, it is not recommended to create enterprises, launch new systems and mechanisms, or enter into long-term agreements and contracts. On March 16, the square of Mercury and Saturn contributes to general tension and can manifest itself either in the “hard-headedness” of opponents, their reluctance to compromise and strive for a peaceful resolution of conflicts. Or – inertia of thinking, inability to express one’s thoughts, as well as paranoid precision, scrupulousness, meticulousness. The equipment cannot withstand such “strain” and breaks down and fails. On March 17, the square of Uranus and Pluto becomes exact again. This is the highest point on the scale of crisis in society, after which tension will gradually decrease and the situation around will stabilize. On March 17, Venus enters its monastery sign – Taurus. She is the mistress here. Her aesthetic, design and emotional inclinations are manifested in the most harmonious and liberated form. Our tastes and interests are shifting towards art, creating beauty around us, decorating our body and home. We are attracted to fashion, beauty salons, theaters, art galleries, art exhibitions, and jewelry. Feelings become more stable, and a desire appears to create strong and long-lasting relationships. On March 18, Mercury will connect with Neptune. For some, this is a period of poetic epics, creative inspiration, and the achievement of spiritual ecstasy. And for others - “cloudness of mind”, drug and alcohol intoxication, as well as self-deception, illusions, fraud. On March 21, the trends listed above will manifest themselves even more acutely under the influence of the opposition of Mercury and Lilith. Lilith activates the worst sides of Mercury. This is excessive talkativeness, a tendency to lies, deceit, fraud, as well as information omnivorousness and promiscuity in connections and contacts. For people with developed Lilith, insights, revelation of secrets, deceptions, exit from complex and confusing situations are possible, thanks to developed intuition and subtle knowledge of human nature. On March 21, the Sun enters the sign of Aries. A new astrological year begins. We are full of strength and determination, we are attracted to new beginnings, there is a desire to move forward, and vast prospects open before our eyes. We want everything at once, right here and now. Therefore, there is a high probability of making mistakes and thoughtless impulsive actions. Hence the natural conclusion - you need to hold on to your suddenly flared up aspirations and desires, first think them over carefully, subject them to detailed analysis, estimate the prospects and consequences, and then begin to act. On March 25, the trine of the Sun and Saturn inclines towards self-discipline, diligence, the desire for structure, and achieving success in the professional and career field. On March 28, Venus forms a trine to Lilith and a square to Jupiter. This combination provokes excessive spending, self-indulgence, gluttony, and lust. March 30 Venus and Pluto in harmonious aspect. This gives depth of feelings, solutions to material problems, success in financial projects, sexual and emotional satisfaction. On March 31, Mars enters the sign of Taurus. Especially in the first.
