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Continuation of the article Education at different age periods. What should I do with my child if he is under one and a half years old? The next age period is defined by Freud as the anal stage and is in the age range from 1.5 to 3 years, E. Erikson sets the age limit from 1 year to 3 years. What What does a potty have in common with independence? This period is favorable for accustoming a child to some independent actions that require the use of self-control. In the first place, of course, is potty training. It is absolutely forbidden to shame a child if he is unable to restrain himself at some point. Praising for victories, calmly reacting to defeats is a good motto for this and subsequent periods. The consequence of shaming, even as a joke (no jokes, the child is not yet able to appreciate subtle humor and sarcasm, given that sarcasm is passive aggression) can be an ingrained sense of shame . During this period, the ability to overcome difficulties is laid. You can teach a child to clean up toys after themselves, naturally, in the form of play: first playing with an adult, then independently. I am very impressed by Aina Gromova’s phrase: “Everything that a child can do on his own, he must do yourself!” Please don’t be annoyed when your baby can’t do something the first time... and the second... and the third... He will learn everything! As soon as the necessary brain structures mature or the necessary neural connections are established, everything will work out. This doesn't mean you just sit back and wait. Be sure to continue training until he learns. A typical game for this period with peers is a parallel game, when the kids are nearby, but more often they play something of their own. “I myself.” During this period, the child’s psychological separation begins. A second personality boundary is formed - a psychological one. In an adult, the formed boundary is expressed as follows: “I may not emotionally understand how my husband can like heavy music, but I can understand that he, in principle, can like something else and can do different choice than me.” The three-year-old is actively trying to understand what he wants and what he doesn’t want. Hence the conflicting demands. He would be glad to wear a jacket and he has nothing against a jacket, but his mother suggested it, and he did not choose it himself. At this age, they work well: Cautionary tales “.... The bunny didn’t want to take the medicine and got very, very, very sick...” Choice without choice - “will you wear this jacket or that one?” Set clear time limits: do you want to go for another walk? , give me five more minutes and go home. Surprisingly, it works. Emotions: You can begin to develop a child's emotional intelligence at this age and start with the following simple steps. They are based on the principles of containing feelings, the understanding that there are no bad emotions, but there are maladaptive behavioral reactions. In general, the following steps should be followed: Label the feeling: You are angry now. Accept the feeling: It’s normal to be angry when something doesn’t work out for you. We limit behavior: but when we are angry, we do not hit Masha. We tell you how to show this feeling: you can run, stomp your feet, shout, say that you are angry. Remember that when a child begins to be capricious or angry, he does not yet fully control his hands and legs, and not every adult knows how to cope with emotions. For some children it is easier to do this, due to their innate qualities, for others it is more difficult. Empathy. According to Salmon’s theory, at this age and until about 6 years old, it is very difficult for a child to put himself in the place of another person. The exceptions are families where this quality is specially developed in the child and families of alcoholics, where the child needs to learn empathy in order to survive. That is, if you do not tell the child in words that the mother is angry because her favorite vase broke, the child himself will not understand this . It’s also not a fact that he will be able to predict your reaction if he breaks a plate after a vase. Attention: Remember that any
