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The harm of coffee for the human body was studied by Academician Pavlov. And to this day, scientific battles continue, confirming or refuting the harm of coffee to the body. However, there are proven facts about the dangers of coffee for the human body. Let's look at them. The harm of coffee to the nervous system In fairness, it should be said that in certain doses, coffee improves reaction, increases physical activity, brain excitability, mental and physical performance, and stimulates the respiratory center. Again, in optimal doses, it reduces fatigue and drowsiness, weakens the effect of sleeping pills and narcotic substances. However, the harm of coffee is that it is very difficult to determine this very dose on your own. After all, the effect of caffeine on each person is individual, and depends on the type of nervous system. And even a small and not very long-term excess of the individual dose leads to depletion of nerve cells and disruption of the normal functioning of the body. This is why coffee should never be given to children. The harm of coffee for children is enormous. Coffee impairs the growth and development of a child. By the way, no one, even avid coffee drinkers, should drink it before bed. The last cup should be drunk at least a few hours before bedtime. Harm of coffee to the cardiac system It has been proven that coffee increases cardiac activity, stimulates the vasomotor center, and increases the pulse rate. It also increases blood pressure, although only briefly and slightly. Thus, the harm of coffee for people with arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease and other diseases of the cardiovascular system is visible. And also for those who are predisposed to these diseases. By the way, people who drink more than 6 cups of coffee a day also run the risk of developing heart problems. An interesting fact is that the harm of coffee to the cardiovascular system depends on the method of preparing coffee. Coffee prepared by brewing is in this sense much more harmful than a drink from a coffee maker. Harm of coffee to the urinary system If a coffee lover suffers from diseases of the kidneys or other organs of the urinary system, then it is better for him to stop drinking this drink. The harm of coffee in this case is that it has a diuretic effect. But if you don’t have the strength to refuse, then at least drink more water. Optimally, a glass of water for every cup of coffee you drink. Harm of coffee for pregnancy As they say, you can’t argue with scientific figures. Coffee has been scientifically proven to be harmful to expectant mothers. If a woman drinks at least 4 cups of coffee a day during pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage is about 33%. But as soon as a pregnant woman reduces her coffee consumption to 3 cups, the harm from coffee drops rapidly. The risk of fetal death in the womb is reduced to 3%. The harm of coffee is especially severe during pregnancy from 20 weeks. The harm of coffee to the content of microelements in the body It has been precisely established that coffee interferes with the absorption and washes calcium, manium, potassium, sodium and some other microelements from the body. Therefore, if you like coffee, be sure to take vitamin complexes or eat more foods rich in the listed microelements. For example, after drinking a cup of coffee, eat 15 grams of almonds - this will return the calcium balance to the proper level. The harm of coffee in this sense affects women more than men. Surprisingly, this is a scientific fact. If a woman drinks more than 4 cups of coffee a day, then she has a very high risk of developing osteoporosis. This becomes especially dangerous after menopause. Also that coffee lovers should especially take care of their bones and be sure to take calcium. Harm of decaffeinated coffee Some people think that by drinking decaffeinated coffee, they are saving themselves from the harmful effects. This is true when it comes to caffeine. But this creates another danger. After all, in order to rid coffee beans of caffeine, they are treated with chemicals. And it is not clear which is more harmful. The harm of coffee for the whole body as a whole. And finally, let’s consider the harm of coffee for a person as a whole. Coffee.
