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The older generation remembers the famous “silent” film with the same name “Battleship Potemkin”. But the young tribe may not know what that film was about. First, I will briefly outline the plot of the film, and then I will move on to what I really want to say. So, this film is about how the sailors of this battleship, driven to despair due to the terrible food and treatment of them like cattle, could not stand it and started a riot on the ship. And it was this riot that became the beginning of revolutionary actions in the navy in Tsarist Russia in 1905. Any riots always occur spontaneously and cause a lot of destruction and death, which is why you should beware of them; an uncontrollable angry crowd has no mercy for either strangers or their own. A riot is a violent outburst of anger and revenge at the same time. The riot forever changes the personality of the one who participated in it, no matter what side. My article is not entirely about the plot of the film. But it’s better I’ll just tell you what it’s about. So, some forty years ago, at the beginning of my professional journey, I was faced with the lice test. In short, they tested me in order to understand whether I could be manipulated and how malleable and cowardly, soft-bodied and indecisive I was, whether I was worried about my own skin or whether I had other values ​​and principles. I’ll tell you briefly below how it happened. I worked then in a certain Republican hospital, because this happened back in the USSR. During my lunch break, I was alone in my office on the second floor. I had already had lunch and was looking through some magazine or book, I don’t remember exactly. I was in a peaceful and relaxed mood at that moment in time, because nothing foreshadowed any problems for the next hour. There was a quiet knock on the door, and the head of an orderly poked its head through the open crack, and he politely said that a certain patient needed to talk to me about something - then personal and could I talk to this patient right now. All subsequent work hours for that day were already scheduled and assigned. Therefore, I agreed to talk with the patient about whom the orderly so tearfully asked. About five minutes later, the orderly brought into the office a certain gentleman of about forty years old, very sly in appearance and with shifty eyes. The patient confidently sat down on the sofa, settled down on it like a master, imposingly and freely, letting me understand who was the master and who was the pathetic supplicant, and began his speech patronizingly and from afar: “Well, you’ve already managed to settle in.” our hospital, should we get settled? Maybe you need some help? “Thank you, Mikhail Dmitrievich,” I answered calmly, “everything is fine with me and I don’t need any help.” I am very grateful that you showed attention to my person. And yet, why did you ask for a conversation, what bothers you? Could you and I get straight to the point, otherwise lunch will end in about thirty minutes, and I’ll go about my work affairs. “Dearest Svetlana Vladimirovna, I think we have enough time to discuss everything,” my visitor smiled slyly, “I’m watching.” “, you are an educated, well-mannered person, you probably know a lot of things,” my visitor either asked a question or said in the affirmative. “Well, everything is very relative, so what did you want to talk to me about,” I asked. “Ah.” “, my dear, in our difficult and dangerous times you always need to keep your nose to the wind and have friends who can stand up for you at the right moment,” the patient sang sweetly. “What are you talking about, Mikhail Dmitrievich?” – I asked. “Yes, it’s all about the same thing, that we live in difficult times, look, all the people are angry, dissatisfied, ready to grab the throat,” my visitor said maliciously, “And you lady is completely green, you don’t understand well and in people and in the moment, you don’t know the rules of local life, so you strive to run into trouble without even suspecting it. But some of us value you, and have already grown to love you, are ready to warn you of any danger, and even protect you if anything happens,” the patient finished. “Mikhail Dmitrievich, do I understand you correctly, what are you ready to do to me?”assistance and assistance in difficult moments of my career - I asked. - Exactly, dearest. - Thank you for your kindness and the help offered. But the question is, what price are you willing to ask me for such a generous offer of yours? – I asked, already understanding what my visitor really needed. “Oh, a mere trifle, dear Svetlana Vladimirovna!” For all my help, for all my advice, for all the information that I will provide you with, I would like to receive some concessions and privileges from you. - And what kind of concessions and privileges do you need? – I asked. “For example, a quiet intimate evening in my room with a nurse and a bottle of cognac.” Or a visit at an inopportune hour, or so that not a single person was in the room with me, for example, and I was not bothered by compliance with the hospital regime and treatment. I am not against being allowed to smoke a cigarette as I wish and at the time I want. How do you like this, do you agree? - the visitor looked at me slyly, making it clear that he would not accept a refusal and I had better agree to his such a generous offer. - Mikhail Dmitrievich, thank you for your concern and desire to help me, but I have to refuse you, because I don’t see for you There’s no way for me to arrange for you personally the privileges you’ve asked for,” I answered calmly, watching with interest how my interlocutor was changing from a caring, kind-hearted gentleman into an imperious and cruel boor. “That’s what, my dear, I advise you to agree with my proposal, otherwise you’ll get caught.” under distribution and you won’t find it enough, I promise you that for sure, I’m not used to all sorts of little ones with their noses in the air refusing me, a well-known and respected person, and not accepting my offers,” my visitor angrily hissed with a breath, “you probably watched the film “Battleship Potemkin” and probably remember how that riot ended for the officers! – the man finished threateningly. “Mikhail Dmitrievich, what does this have to do with the battleship and the riot on it?” Are you being fed rotten meat or are they mocking you? You receive the treatment and diet you are entitled to, no one oppresses you or forces you to work slavishly. What kind of rebellion is this? Where will it come from? What will it come from? Well, if you don’t want to be treated, fine, right now write a statement of refusal to undergo treatment and I promise you, I will definitely consider it tomorrow at the planning meeting with the chief physician and petition for your speedy discharge. - You don’t understand what you’re getting into!!! ! We are all unhappy and angry, we are all ready to attack you doctors at any moment! I want to save you from reprisals! I want to help you save the “honor of the uniform”! Don’t you understand that the blame will fall on you for letting all the doctors in the department down? - the patient yelled almost crying, realizing that his “brilliant” plan had failed. “Thank you for your desire to save me, Mikhail Dmitrievich, but in my short life I have definitely learned one thing: saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves,” Having finished, I opened the door and called the orderly, ordering him to take the patient to the ward. As I later learned from that orderly, these speeches of Mikhail Dmitrievich had a very strong impact on some young and inexperienced doctors, who agreed, impressed by his story about Potemkin, provide him with “certain privileges.” So, since then, there will always be someone who decides to repeat the “feat” of Mikhail Dmitrievich in order to make the right impression on others. Just recently, a young man at a group lesson began his speech by telling how he and his comrades took revenge on a certain psychologist because he did not behave the way they expected him to. The group reacted differently to these words, but no one gave him the privilege to behave as this young man expected of them. Many seek to manipulate because they do not know how to communicate and are afraid of others, as well as what these others might say or think. Many strive for power because they do not know how to love and accept love. Many people want to be significant to others because».
