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From the author: I thank this site! I thank the creators of the site! I thank my colleagues from different cities! I thank the site users! Thank you for your communication and much more! Today I want to talk about the feeling of gratitude. If you close your eyes and imagine this feeling in an image? What is it like? And people talk about this feeling as something warm and bright. Light and full of love. “This is a cloud that smiles at me,” said the sweet girl. “I feel good when I think about this feeling,” said another girl. “This is what is called a happy moment and it makes you feel light and calmly,” and so the girls share their discoveries one after another. Indeed, Gratitude works wonders. If we give thanks daily, we can change our environment, our attitude towards the events that we have left today, a negative mark. And, in general, it is possible to change your life with the help of gratitude. And scientists have found that people who express gratitude are several times healthier and more energetic. When we forget about gratitude, we very easily deviate from our goal, says Joe Vitale. Gratitude is a blessing to give. When everything is good with us: everything healthy, happy, living in abundance, it’s easy to be grateful for all this. But when the husband is not the same, and there is no money, and in general, nothing good, then what to be grateful for? If you think about it, then there is a reason for gratitude. The same husband, with whom the woman divorced a long time ago is worth thanking. For a lot. If you think about it and remember, you can definitely make a list. And it will be possible to see how this woman’s condition will change. With the help of gratitude, people heal their relationships with ex-husbands and ex-wives. - Thank you for the first experience of communicating with a man; - Thank you for the bouquet and candy romance, where I was simply happy; - Thank you for the trip to the sea, it was unforgettable; - Thank you for the invaluable experience of communication in everyday life; And if we continue This is a list, then you will see that for simple things it is worth saying: “Thank you.” And even if at first it is difficult for you to find the joy to thank, then with skill it will be easy. And you will thank for life! And for your loved ones and loved ones! And even for the small room you live in! And for a car, even if it’s the cheapest, it still exists. There will always be something or someone to thank. For those who find it difficult to find and see gratitude, I recommend keeping a gratitude notebook. Why a notebook - because it’s easy to take it out of your bag at any time and write down your new gratitude. And there will be a lot of discoveries. What you haven’t noticed before, you will notice! And you will rejoice at it! And, if you remember a conflict with someone, then thank this person, it is with his help that you saw and realized something important for yourself. The world is full of discoveries and gratitude. Is it worth expecting from anyone - then gratitude? Only you know from whom you expect it. You can wait and not wait. Start with yourself. Thank yourself for everything you are capable of. Not everyone will be able to thank themselves right away! Get used to it! Thank you for the first comment, for the first post, and for the first photos! And you will notice how you want to notice the new and joyful in yourself even more! And then thank those from whom you expect blessed words of gratitude. And perhaps the relationship will take on a different meaning. For both of you or both. Get out of the car and look around: you see the sky and the sun, you see the trees and bushes waking up. See birds and little squirrels! Give thanks for this opportunity to see, hear and observe! Children give thanks easily. For adults, it’s like passing probability theory. It's Complicated. And how to find something to be grateful for? Everything is so familiar. And you forget that a friend got you a great job; And your parents bought an apartment; And a friend told you where to turn in a moment of discord in the family; And you got caught by a good traffic cop; And you were lucky in the exam, your friend sat next to you; And your neighbor gave you a ride. A lot of things, and everyone...
