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“Eh-he-he,” Emelya sighed protractedly, sitting at the machine and sadly peering at the cube of blue sky in the window opening of the factory premises. - Why is it so hard, Emilyan? — suddenly came from behind. The partner brought a batch of tools for stamping and looked with curiosity at the gloomy colleague. “Oh, I’m a fool, I blew such a girl.” And she... is more beautiful than anyone in the world. Goddess! - and Emelyan raised his hand up, as if he really imagined that his goddess would now descend from heaven and appear before him. And he froze in his gesture. Then he took out two cigarettes, lit one and handed the second one to his friend. Nikolai, taking it in silence, looked around, leaned on the machine and nodded to Emelyan at the tools. - Oh, wait a minute! Now. You understand, I have a mental wound, pain. Yearning. Well, how do they say it there? I take it in my hands,” and he grabbed the part with a sharp movement, “and it’s in front of my eyes. Well, how can one work here, huh? ******** But really, how does it work when a person has a spiritual experience? And what do you advise him? Maybe to a psychologist, huh? But why does he need a psychologist if he has a faithful comrade with whom over a drink after work you can pour your whole soul out? And most importantly, they will hear and understand, and they will also embrace you in a brotherly way, they say, “don’t give up, friend, you will still find your goddess.” Well, a day will pass, another, a fifth, and everything will pass. Just like the distant year 1967...Gone are the days when a man could sit at a machine with tools and monotonously do his work, dreaming of a beautiful goddess. And it didn’t matter at all what state he was in, what he was thinking about and what was bothering him... There was a plan, the work was done. And if there is any problem, then a friend next to you will hand you a glass with the gesture “tell me, friend, I will understand you.” Today it’s the other way around. Monotonous and non-involving work is performed by robots, but society and the world need a resourceful and active person! Today, full-bodied, healthy people with a stable psyche and unique talents are expensive. Today we need active and psychologically healthy people! Getting therapy from a psychologist is not a shame , this is prestigious! This means you invest in yourself, in your condition, in the well-being of your family and society. Do you agree with me or do you still believe that only “crazy people” need a psychologist? Do you feel that uniqueness and resourcefulness are becoming the most valuable currency today??
