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From the author: Is it possible to change your life for the better here and now? Yes, you can, realizing that the decisions made in the past interfere, harm, and do not allow. Is it possible to consciously change these decisions? Yes, change in the present, taking care of the future. Even in the womb of the mother, the child feels the emotional state of the mother and perceives the world “through the mother.” These dyadic relationships last up to 3 years. It is during this period that the child “writes his life script” unconsciously, according to his feelings. And after 3 years, when “I am myself”, already consciously, relying on the relationship between parents, the attitude of the surrounding reality towards him. He is still “foolish”, to make a decision and select for himself the good and useful, and not take the harmful, draw the conclusion that will lead him to a happy life. That is why it is important for a woman to preserve herself and her emotional state during pregnancy, the birth of a child and beyond. At the age of 6-7, the writing of the “life script” is completed and following this script begins. It is not his fault that he acts according to those patterns that lead to failures or to the abandonment of his true needs and desires, to a lack of faith in himself and his capabilities. How does this manifest itself? I’ll give you a few examples from my practice. “Nobody loves me and never has,” says the woman. I'm ready to be rejected. This repeats itself throughout your life. I'm thinking about suicide. From her past, she remembered that she was always sent to her grandmother in the village, and her brother always stayed at home with her parents. She formed the belief that she was not loved, that if she was unworthy even of parental love, then this world would reject her. And the reason that she was sent to her grandmother was the parents’ desire to improve her health. She found out about this by asking her parents. A smart and reasonable teenager sabotages his studies because he has to work after school. And he remembers that as a child, his mother came home from work and complained about how stuffy it was in the office, there were no normal conditions, that “no matter how much you work, you won’t be good.” If mom and dad argue, then there may be “fear of marriage.” Mom wants to sleep, but the child is crying. Mom is irritated from fatigue, angry, complaining. The child decides to be invisible: “I want to be invisible, I want to die so as not to disturb mom/dad.” This decision in adulthood can be expressed as a fear of public speaking, a fear of finding a more worthy job, a fear of meeting one’s needs. If some of our childhood decisions in our adulthood lead to undesirable and negative consequences, then by identifying them, we can “rewrite chapter of your life scenario.” It is important to understand that having identified the reason, you do not need to change the person, but only his decision. A decision that was made in the past. And this process must be conscious. “My 7-year-old child does not want to live, screams about it, scares us,” says the woman. When she found out about the pregnancy, the child’s father insisted on an abortion. She agreed, cried, but refused at the last moment. “I’m like a spindle, I can’t sit at work, so I changed many jobs, although the conditions and salary were good.” Now I’m in my third marriage, I feel good, something is pushing me to leave my husband and look for another. This woman’s mother went for an abortion and had it, but the fetus survived, it “twirled” and dodged so much that it remained in the mother’s womb. My mother told me that when she gave birth to me, everything was normal and good, I was already halfway out, when the head of the maternity ward intervened and “helped” me to be born,” recalled the girl for whom nothing in life comes to its logical conclusion. There is one step left until the result, but she stops and waits for something or someone. Life experience has formed: for a while I do everything myself, I can do it myself, and then the “manager of the maternity ward” will come and finish it. Is it possible change your life for the better here and now? Yes, you can, realizing that previously made decisions interfere, harm, and do not allow. Yes, change in the present, taking care of
