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Realizing that your partner is using you can be difficult, especially when you love and trust that person. However, there are certain signs that you should pay attention to in order to understand whether your partner is being honest with you or just taking advantage of you. The first and perhaps the most important sign is the inequality of effort and investment in the relationship. If you constantly do everything to please your partner, and he or she does not show the same dedication and is not willing to do anything in return, your partner may simply be taking advantage of you. The second sign is a lack of support and mutual assistance. When a partner is not interested in your needs, problems or goals, it may mean that he does not see you as a partner, but only as a profitable tool or source of pleasure. The third sign is a lack of emotional intimacy. If your partner is always busy or reluctant to listen to your problems and feelings, most likely he or she is not interested in your well-being and is only using you to satisfy his or her own needs. The fourth sign is inconsistent involvement in the relationship, when the partner constantly changes his or her attitude towards you. . This can manifest itself in a domestic or intimate environment, indicating that you are just a temporary source of interest, and not a real partner for him or her. The fifth sign is a lack of respect and violation of personal boundaries. Your partner may not respect you as a person, constantly violate your boundaries, or ignore your requests. The sixth and final sign is a lack of mutual growth and development. Often, when your partner is not interested in helping you become a better person and achieve important goals, the relationship falls apart. If you have detected at least a few of these signs in your relationship, then it is important to reflect on your situation and evaluate whether your partner truly values ​​you as a person or is only using you for his own gain. Don't be afraid to make difficult decisions and decisions that are best for your well-being.
