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In this article I want to touch on very pressing questions that absolutely every person faces when receiving a matriculation certificate, a bachelor’s, specialist’s or master’s degree: “What’s next?” It’s no secret that higher education, even two or three diplomas are often not a “green card”, a guarantee for success in life. If three decades ago, when a person received an education, it was believed that he had already done the basics, the system moved him or her further. Today, most people give preference intellectual work and competition is off the charts. It is important for each of us to have time to either quickly occupy a worthy niche, or create our own for ourselves. Youth and youth are a wonderful time, we are full of energy, enthusiasm and ambition. We want to build our lives, achieve success and make the whole world a better place. This is also a period of doubt, search, mistakes and first failures. Why then did some find themselves and were able to realize themselves in life, achieved success and are happy, while others did not? In schools, colleges and institutes we receive information that, in theory, we can apply in later life. Everyone, or almost everyone, has this knowledge. Everyone has equal conditions, but the results are different. So what is the advantage of some over others? What tools help us achieve success today, in our real lives? Why is it worth doing business with you? What is your strength and competitive advantage? What makes you unique? - when entering adult independent life, in order to avoid annoying mistakes and ineffectively spent time and effort, it is important to ask yourself these questions. The answer is simple and complex at the same time. It is the person as an individual who is his most basic competitive advantage. His self-confidence, awareness of goals and competent actions give him the right and freedom to shape his future, create his own destiny, manage his life, give him the opportunity to choose the business he wants to do, the company he wants to work for, or the resources to create something. then yours. Choosing for yourself, you see, is better than waiting: whether they will choose you or not, whether they will offer you something or not. If you want to be happy, be it! Kozma Prutkov To achieve happiness, three components are needed: a dream, self-confidence and hard work. There are five basic components, with which everyone can become what they want, live the way they dream. Thanks to these components, people have become successful and famous, from whom the whole world learns and admires today, who have become the pride and heritage of humanity. So, Believe in yourself. When you know who you are, what is your uniqueness, abilities, talent, you know what you want from life - it is easier to build your goals and priorities. The picture becomes clearer - confidence in yourself and your strengths and capabilities appears. It is when you are young and active that the most favorable and appropriate moment for knowing yourself and working on yourself. There is a whole life ahead, on the one hand, on the other - a lot of doubts and fears, “will I be able to”, “will it work out”, “is it worth trying?” The person who has learned to understand himself and knows his strengths is confident and happy. sides, accepts and strengthens the weak. When YOU know what YOU want, fears and boundaries disappear. There is no point in all other sciences, theories and knowledge until you are a stranger to yourself, in whom you do not believe and do not trust. Goal. To want and do, to dream and achieve is far from same. In order not to get screwed, not to be disappointed, not to doubt yourself and your capabilities, it is important to understand how to do this. When we are 18 – “We are ready to eat an elephant!” – some say, “An elephant, a whole elephant?” – others doubt. Each of us has enormous potential and many opportunities. Therefore, even an elephant is real! In one sitting, the whole thing is too much, you can burst, but in pieces, even very easily)). There are rules and laws for achieving goals. Which you need to know in order to competently organize yourself, plan your actions, self-motivate andcontrol your effectiveness without wasting time and energy on aimless ordeals. It happens that after doing global work, you already realize at the goal that you don’t feel the expected satisfaction, elation, etc., nothing but fatigue and doubts about what’s next do. This happens when the goal is… someone else’s, beautiful, high, everyone likes it, but not yours. In order to receive sincere satisfaction as a result of the work done and a desire to grow and develop further, you must clearly understand that the goal is yours. Self-actualization, being the best in your business and sincerely enjoying what you do is possible only with your dream, with your goal. Everyone's goals are different. Some may be more global, others less. It doesn't matter. It is important to go your own way, live your life and truly have fun. Effective communication. What is the main component of our typical day? Communication. At school, college, with friends, in family, on VKontakte - we are constantly in the process of communication. Certain communications take place between us. What determines our mood, well-being, emotions, vector of thoughts and state of mind? Quality of communication, effectiveness of communications. Remember, each of us has probably had situations when tension, misunderstanding, and conflicts arose in communication with family, friends, and colleagues. Everything falls out of our hands, the options “I should have said this”, “if I had said this, then they would have answered me this way” are scrolled through our heads a thousand times; we suffer from great personal discomfort, our attention is focused on the conflict situation, the search for its solution. At the same time, all other areas of our lives “suffer” as well. The effectiveness of personal and business relationships, our personal effectiveness directly depends on communication literacy, the ability to build constructive and effective relationships. The ability to communicate is one of the most complex sciences. It is important to know the basic rules and laws of successful communication, to develop the ability to listen and hear. Competently and respectfully convey your thoughts and defend your position without offending your interlocutor, diplomatically resolve a conflict situation, politely but affirmatively say “no” if something doesn’t suit you. In order to manage your life, it is important to make your own decisions , manage the situation, and not depend on it. When you know how to correctly analyze, study, expand your business and personal contacts, strengthen relationships, people will follow you, they respect you, they want to do business with you. The Art of Self-Presentation. The power of the speaker. The ability to present oneself, to present oneself beautifully, is one of the components of personal effectiveness, and today the demand for it is higher than ever! How easily and clearly a person expresses his thoughts is judged by his education; by his ability to control himself and manage an audience - confidence and charisma, by the way he moves, smiles, gestures - we, God knows with what tenth sense, determine for ourselves whether to believe this person or not. They greet you by their clothes, by their gait, by their facial expressions, gestures and......words! The word that a person pronounces is his clothes, smart or not, depending on who you are. Every person demonstrates his oratory skills every day in all areas and directions of life and career. As soon as a person opens his mouth, it immediately becomes clear who is in front of you. People who, depending on the situation, can, either briefly and concisely, or eloquently and picturesquely express a thought, present the necessary information, infect with an idea, make you sincerely believe them with your soul and heart - were, are and will always be leaders, people who create themselves and their destiny. Persuasive, charismatic, confident, artistic, influential, interesting, a person who knows how to control his own speech and himself - these are the most popular and competitive criteria by which natural selection from the big world of business. You need to learn the art of public speaking! Being a speaker is not a luxury, it is a mandatory requirement for modern life.
