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From the author: An example of the work of art therapy in overcoming fear At the reception, an 11-year-old girl, let's call her Anya. She came with her mother with a complaint that she was tormented by a terrible image that haunted her, especially at night, every night she wakes up, gets up, wakes up her sister, makes her turn on the lights everywhere, and for a long time afterwards she cannot sleep. It seems to Anya that “this Horror” is standing on the stairs and waiting for her. The “horror” that haunted Anya was a character in the computer horror game Eyes, with which the boys at school scared her. Here she is, this woman who has bloody intestines instead of a body, hanging straight from her neck, and she is ready to escape from the dark room, and to suddenly kill you, scary, right? The girl is anxious, impressionable, creative, and, at the same time, very demonstrative, a leader and a firebrand. She is very motivated to work, asks for help, says that “she is very tired of living with this.” In addition to sand therapy and additional techniques, I offered her transformational work with the image. Anya chose plasticine and colored paper. 1st meeting. Anya depicted “her Horror” as she called it: On a sheet of thick cardboard she made a plasticine face, added hair cut out of colored paper and stapled a scarf - these are intestines. Anya was very afraid of it, she could not pick it up, despite the fact that she made it herself. We carried out work to remove fear. 2nd meeting At the second meeting, Anya began to gradually change the face of “horror” the way she wanted. She removed the blood from under the eyes, added blush to the skin, changed the eyes. 3rd meeting At this lesson, Anya makes changes again, her mouth, nose and eyebrows have become completely different, begins to have conversations with her character, no longer calls her “horror” , simply says “she,” and notes that she began to sleep more peacefully. 4th meeting The girl changes her hairstyle, plays with pleasure with the appliqué, talks, thinks for a long time, sits over “her.” 5th meeting This is what the girl comes out with at the end -ends The image that pleases and attracts her, Anya notes that her fears have left her, it has become “easier for her to live.” And look, she got rid of the guts! She left me the picture, despite the fact that she liked it, she preferred to leave this experience outside the psychologist’s office. Let’s compare BEFORE and AFTER These are the results that can be achieved using the art therapy method. I will soon have a meeting with Anya, I will write in the continuation of this article how she is doing. September, 2016
