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From the author: This article was first published on the website "Mom's Career" Answers to frequently asked questions from clients. “I have tracks with songs scattered across different sites and I need to track them, write letters to them and bring them to our side or prohibit them from using them. What can I do in this case? “How to legally protect the rights to your texts (selling texts, articles, trainings, etc.), preferably at the lowest cost?” “How to protect your author’s trainings when you post them on the Internet (text materials - templates and various PDFs that you transfer to students?” First, I want to say that the concept of “author’s work” is quite broad. These are: e-books, articles, projects, websites , pictures, presentations, trainings, webinars, lectures, photographs, selling texts, songs, videos, poems and many other works. Since there are now a lot of such works on the Internet, the topic of their legal use is becoming more and more popular and relevant. Internet entrepreneurs who do not yet think that using someone’s article or posting a video on their website can be prosecuted by law, but basically, more and more information businessmen are wondering how to build their business online legally. And this is good, because. If you adhere to the law and conduct your activities in accordance with it, then the client who turns to such an entrepreneur will feel more comfortable. This means that such a person’s business will have a solid, healthy reputation and his income will grow. Of course, many here will not agree with me and will say that “in our country it is very difficult to build a legal business, especially on the Internet,” others will say that “the authors themselves publish their works in the public domain for other people on the Internet, which means that the use of such works cannot be illegal, I didn’t steal it by hacking the author’s website,” etc. There may be some truth in this, but ignorance of the laws does not exempt us from responsibility to it. Moreover, the laws protect us. And violation of laws entails violations in work and in life, albeit not immediately, but this will certainly not pass without a trace for you and your business. So, this was a lyrical digression, now about the important :) Read the continuation of the article here
