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Wanting to worry and stress less, we often choose to remain in our usual state, while feeling oppressive anxiety due to unused opportunities and lack of movement in life. Two factors are constantly weighed on the scales of our choice: “I want” and “I’m afraid/lazy.” State “I want to, but I don’t do it” is very costly in terms of energy. The payoff from doing what you really want far exceeds the costs associated with overcoming inertia. Following your inner voice, taking a step into the unknown is a choice in favor of growth, development, expansion and movement forward, and also includes excitement and a fully felt brightness of life. All achievements and dreams are usually located in a zone of uncertainty, where there are no guarantees, except your faith and the ardent desire of your soul. However, this is enough for the “I want” to tip the scales. Faith in action allows us to take a fundamental step forward. This doesn't mean that striving to overcome your fears and move forward is easy or safe. However, it is outside our comfort zone that we gain super resources and opportunities, and it is there that our talents and abilities can flourish. Faith in action requires us to change our thinking. It teaches us to see new opportunities, and not to hedge against failure. Understanding that life will be filled with brightness and revitalization only when we decide to act makes us move forward, feel alive and full of strength. The ability to trust our desires and dreams, making the decision to act, even if the path is not clear and full of uncertainty, brings contains the potential for new opportunities and achievements. Believing in action allows us to blossom and gain strength in difficult moments. Faith in action is therefore a powerful source of inspiration and motivation, helping us become who we can and should be. By taking a step into the unknown, we open the door to growth and achievement by being influenced by our own capabilities, rather than by what may limit us..
