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There are two ways to be angry. In childhood they prohibit it, but in adulthood it turns out (usually from a psychologist) that suppressed negative emotions are harmful or even dangerous. Let's see who is right - parents or psychologists? Be a kind boyParents often “harm” not intentionally. Moreover, it is not immediately possible to recognize alarming signals in their words and actions - after all, the echoes will overtake an already adult son or daughter. Be kind, generous and obedient. Such instructions are convenient for parents: the child is controlled, polite, does not create problems and does not disgrace. But in this way, the impulses to protect what is his can be completely suppressed. If they only taught you to share, give and not be greedy, but they formed a strict ban on the ability to protect your own. And then if you want to defend your rights, then fear may arise - after all, there is no experience in defending your rights. The limits of one's own strength have not been explored. Similarly with anger. For tantrums and especially fights, if you can call clashes in kindergarten that way, you were severely scolded. It was forbidden to express dissatisfaction - you do not yet have and cannot have your own opinion. They persistently suggested ignoring the offense. You should not cry, especially for a long time and for small reasons. Be strong and endure. It’s even better to forget about your feelings and learn to keep them under control or pretend they don’t exist. Not only a holiday, but don’t be discouraged Life is diverse and negative emotions are natural. Death, illness, competition, betrayal, changeable weather, failed plans and hopes - all this can darken the mood. At least. By the way, there is a strange double standard here. As soon as a child has barely matured, they begin to explain that life is difficult, and not an eternal holiday. But at the same time, he is forbidden to show negative emotions, but is required to be happy and joyful, since everything is there... No one teaches a child, and then a teenager, to manage negative emotions, to show them, to experience them. It is quite natural that an adult sets out on an independent path without such skills. And then there are two options. Either negativity manifests itself destructively for others, or through the suppression of negative emotions it directs it towards oneself. What's worse here, you still need to think... On the other side of good With those who show anger openly and destructively, we need to work towards mastering more gentle ways to experience their feelings, and, of course, look for their source. This will probably be work on the ability to find a compromise, a way out from the psychology of must (when everyone “should”, then inevitably every day is disappointment and a reason for anger), to accept what is impossible to change. And you also need to develop the habit of resolving the situation, not while on the crest of anger, but after the intensity has subsided. The strength of arguments in times of conflict is very weak. We have to wait. The most important thing for such people is to understand that destructive ways of showing anger are not the only way to experience negative emotions and resolve contradictions. With those who, on the contrary, do not know how to show negative emotions, are used to suppressing them and suffer from insecurity, attacks, psychosomatic diseases that are a consequence such a devaluing attitude towards oneself, one should work in a different direction. One must be able to catch dissatisfaction in the early stages and learn to express one’s feelings. You can use sports as a way to release accumulated emotions. Written techniques are suitable for liberation from old grievances, disappointments and plans for revenge. The most important thing for such people is to admit that they have negative emotions and this is normal. This doesn't make them bad people. It's bad to suppress them. Children's prohibitions on expressing anger are no longer relevant - it's time to learn environmentally friendly ways to experience any emotions. Don't apologize Don't apologize for your emotions. You have the right to experience any feelings, even those that are inappropriate, according to others. Learn socially acceptable ways to express anger, but don’t suppress or repress it or pretend you’re not angry..
