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From the author: This program is an adaptation for the treatment of cancer of the well-known 12 Step program, which is successfully used for the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction. The program is a holistic spiritual-psychological algorithm and sequence of actions, adhering to which, the patient achieves the best results during the treatment of his cancer. This program is, for the most part, a general orienting, general directing and ordering tool for the patient’s actions, which at the same time creates in the patient a special internal spiritual and psychological mood that is most conducive to the treatment process. The program has no contraindications and complies with the general Christian canons of the formation of spirituality. Recommended for use in oncology settings and self-help groups. The author of the adapted version of the 12 Steps Program is K.V. Yatskevich Adapted program for cancer patients "12 STEPS" Step No. 1 - Overcoming stress after receiving news of a diagnosis - Rule No. 1 - The patient should not have any panic after receiving news of a diagnosis. Yes, the news of the diagnosis plunges you into a state of despair and fear, but you need to maintain calm and sobriety of mind at all costs, refraining from hasty and vain actions. After making a diagnosis (especially in the early stages of the disease), in the vast majority of cases there is time for the right actions, but mistakes due to vanity, haste and fear are more expensive, or rather immeasurably expensive! Step No. 2 - Awareness of your diagnosis - Rule No. 2 - After When establishing and documenting a diagnosis of cancer, the patient should not have any illusions or fantasies. There must be maximum prudence, awareness and absolutely sober calculation. Cancer is serious, or rather very serious, and it happened not to anyone, but to you. What does it mean ? This means that there were reasons for this and you will face a very serious test. This means that your approach to combating this disease should be as responsible and serious as possible. Step No. 3 - Accepting your diagnosis and getting to know your illness - Rule No. 3 - You can’t fight your shadow or someone you don’t know. You need to assess your opponent and your strengths as soberly and balancedly as possible in order to choose the most adequate measures and effective means. Knowledge is power. In order to win the battle with cancer, you need to know your enemy very well, all his strengths and weaknesses, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of your body. Only the right strategy and tactics can ensure success in treatment. Step No. 4 - Working on mistakes is the foundation for subsequent changes - Rule No. 4 - Cancer is not a death sentence, but the most serious reason to change, but in order to improve something in yourself to change or correct, you need to clearly know where and when those mistakes were made in life that ultimately led to the onset of the disease. That is why, without awareness of the causes and their elimination (working out), it is impossible to either stop or defeat the disease. Step No. 5 - Repentance before God and oneself for one’s own mistakes - Rule No. 5 - Sincere repentance is the moment of opening oneself and one’s heart to the Creator - Lord God. To repent of your own mistakes and delusions means to admit your own imperfection, accept yourself for who you are, forgive yourself, give yourself another chance and the opportunity to start all over again, from the very beginning. Step No. 6 - Accepting the idea of ​​God and changing your the previous consciousness and worldview based on God-centrism - Rule No. 6 - Everything is from God and Everything is God. That is why, in order to return to your original essence and integrity, you need to restore connections with the Creator - the Lord God. To do this, you need to radically change your thinking and attitude towards the world and life. If earlier the main principle of thinking for a person was Egocentrism, now the main principle should be
