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POWER or quotes from notes Buddhist Lama Ole Nydahl, speaking about the foundations of philosophical teaching, adhered to the position “I’ll just put it here, whoever needs it will take it, whoever doesn’t will pass by” and told his students: “Don’t be a missionary." That is, don't preach. If a person needs information or rays of goodness, he will come and ask, do not shove your enlightenment down his tonsils for the sake of happiness. For when we do this, we are trying to lead a person. In management, we taught 7 types of power (Nicole Lipkin, What Keeps Leaders Up At Night. according to the structure of types of power developed by John French and Bertram Raven, 1959): 1) Positional (legitimate) - This power occurs when someone occupies a higher position, giving him control over others. “If you have this power, it is important that you understand that this power has been given to you (and can be taken away), so do not abuse it.” - says Lipkin Simply put, you were only given it for a while, don't get arrogant. 2) Coercive (no matter how good you are as a leader, if you have coercive power, you lead with fear, and this will briefly gain respect and loyalty of your employees.3) Informational - I know something that gives me a temporary advantage. Corporations often use the gate-keeping strategy of “withholding information,” which makes colleagues or subordinates “half-blind.” This is a short-term power that does not necessarily influence or inspire trust. 4) Reward - when someone gives out bonuses and titles. “When you start talking about financial livelihood, power takes on a whole new meaning,” Lipkin says. This power is held by those who can motivate people to respond to raises, promotions and awards. 5) Connection - “If I have a connection with someone you want to connect with, that will give me power. It’s kind of political,” says Lipkin. Sometimes they take money for “pandering”, as you know. 6) Expert - based on knowledge and experience. This power directly depends on your skills and years of experience. When you master this knowledge, your colleagues will consider you an expert. The great thing about this power is that no one can take it away from you. However, to remain an expert and maintain your status and influence, you have to constantly continue to learn and improve. 7) Referent (referent) - “This power depends on personal qualities and values, such as honesty, integrity and reliability. People with high referent power can strongly influence anyone who admires and respects them.” This is the most important and real power that leaders must assume, because it is all about the quality of the relationships that develop with others and how those relationships are built. “This power depends on personal qualities and values, such as honesty, integrity and reliability. People with high referent power can strongly influence anyone who admires and respects them.” In other words, when people perceive you in power, they rely on you, and you can achieve a lot thanks to influence. And it turns out that there are only two real, humanistic types of power (6 and 7), but expert power should not be shoved into your loved ones, They didn’t hire us as psychologists. What kind of power do you use most often??
