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Usually we remember the three letters of a healthy lifestyle if: - a doctor’s prescription - we want to lose weight - the passport says 30, but looks at least 40 - I’M PREGNANT In the latter case, no one has any objections - we exchange burgers for salad. Or we don’t change it - at our own responsibility. It's more difficult with alcohol. The other day, a client, as if jokingly, asked me at a lecture: maybe she should snort 50 grams before giving birth - for courage?! We laughed. And I thought. There is an assumption that during pregnancy you can, for example, drink a glass of red (preferably dry) wine or, if there is a holiday, champagne. And even doctors say that it normalizes blood pressure and red blood cells... But why exactly alcohol? There are other ways to raise hemoglobin, and with pressure, of course, it is doubtful. And since alcohol is a kind of borderline topic, it causes serious controversy. On the one hand, there are various studies confirming the harmful effects of alcohol on a child, on the other hand - “oh well, one glass of wine/bottle of beer will do nothing” or “my friend’s mother was an alcoholic and it’s okay, she’s as healthy as an ox.” - the desire to drink (even one glass of wine) has nothing to do with the need for something tasty. No matter how lovers of fine wines and expert tasters rant, they say, it is indescribable to feel the varied bouquet of exquisite Cabernet Sauvignon on the tongue, alcohol is about something else. For each of us, alcohol is different. For one it is a way to relax, for another it is, on the contrary, to raise the overall tone. Relieve stress, have fun, put your thoughts in order, score. - When you have an unbearable desire to drink, first of all it is important to ask yourself why I need this. Hardly for the sake of taste. Remember the first time you tried wine, beer or something stronger, did you find it delicious? And if not for the sake of taste, then for what? What need are you trying to satisfy with alcohol? - Of course, drinking a glass of red dry high-quality wine once during pregnancy will not cause irreparable harm. Perhaps living in a city with dust and exhaust fumes, not breathing fresh air and leading a sedentary lifestyle is more harmful. But if you allowed yourself this glass, then at least consciously. I do this because I'm tired. For example, I’m tired of worrying about impending motherhood. Or there is so much tension in my body that only a bottle of beer will relax me. How do you like it? If it is appropriate to solve these issues with the help of alcohol, then be aware and accept the consequences. If not, then it’s worth understanding the very reason for the desire to drink. How do you feel about alcohol during pregnancy? What need do you satisfy with alcohol??
