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From the author: An article about the most common way of finding a job - “through acquaintances” “And how to find a job now?” This question probably comes to the fore for almost all senior students. The task is not easy. Especially when, apart from basic education, you have neither work experience nor an idea of ​​how to approach this task. It is best, of course, to simultaneously use several methods and paths. I'll start with a description of the most common one. Most opinion polls show that most often people get jobs “through acquaintances.” This path has 2 main options: 1) “through connections” - when you are hired into an organization solely thanks to connections; in this case, your education, work experience, personal qualities are not taken into account; 2) “by recommendation” - when acquaintances (friends, relatives, former colleagues, etc.) recommend you for a vacancy, and you go through almost all the same tests when applying for a job, just like those who are taken “off the street”. “Thug path” What is hiring “through cronyism”? First of all, this is an opportunity to get a good job, not because you are an excellent professional who has the necessary qualities, but because someone asked for you and who cannot be refused (a relative, an influential person, etc.) Still exists the belief that you can get a good job only through connections. This statement is partly true. According to opinion polls, “nepotism” is still widespread in government agencies and budgetary organizations. This also occurs in business structures, but mainly in small and medium-sized businesses, where the team is initially formed from “our own people.” In large businesses, if a person gets into the workplace under the patronage, then, as a rule, due to the fact that the applicant it is impossible to refuse or the new employee has the necessary connections. Even if you were hired through connections in a commercial company, they are unlikely to keep you there for a long time just because you are someone’s brother-in-law. In foreign companies operating in Russia, applying for a job through family and other connections is generally considered bad form. Here is an example of one of the graduates. Natalya, 35 years old, psychologist, security forces “I am one of those people who are hired for work through acquaintances, one might even say through connections.” “My parents worked all their lives in one organization related to security forces. I grew up all my life surrounded by their colleagues, because... our housemates were mostly their colleagues, so I knew well all the pros and cons of their work. After college, I came to get a job there because... I was attracted by the prospect of housing, early retirement and other social benefits. Therefore, one can say about me that I am one of those people who are hired for a job through acquaintance, one might even say through connections, since they knew me in this organization since childhood, they knew that I was always a good student, they knew my personal qualities. I wanted to get a position as a psychologist, despite the fact that my education was not specialized, although it was related. In those years, people who were even more distant from psychology served in this position, and I understood that I could realize myself in it and be useful to the organization. The role of the “blat” was that the management treated me quite loyally. Me, a girl, if I had not found a job through connections, I would hardly have been hired “from the street” to an officer’s position. They might simply not allow you to pass the professional aptitude test. But my further career advancement depended only on me. They didn’t put a spoke in my wheels, but they didn’t roll out a carpet for me either. My career path began with a vacant position far from my current one. I went to it just to get hooked, then I improved my qualifications, finally got the position of psychologist and was later able to head the department. I believe that even if they helped you get a job, your future career growth, first of all, depends on you and your efforts.” So, if you have a connection to the right organization, why not?.
