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Is it the Dog’s fault? A story from practice. A client once approached me with the following question. He was worried that he was spending a lot of his time caring for the dog. He constantly has to take care of her 365 days a year and this has been going on for 6 years and he doesn’t know what to do with it. He can’t give her away, since she’s already big and the children are attached to her, he doesn’t consider other options. I asked to tell how a dog appeared in his life? To which the client told an interesting story, 6 years ago he, his wife and children bought an apartment on the first floor on the outskirts of the city, since there is a good environment there, houses are in the forest, fresh air, walking in the summer , skiing in winter, in general a wonderful place to live. But after moving to a new apartment, the client realized that he could not sleep at night, it seemed to him that someone might climb into the window. He was afraid to put bars on the windows, in case there was a fire; believed. A different decision was made, since the client grew up in a village and they always had a dog in a kennel at home, so he got one. The breed he chose was German Shepherd, and he had to tinker with the puppy a lot, accustoming him to the peculiarities of living in an apartment. But the dog grew up quickly and the client began to enjoy a calm, peaceful sleep. In the first years, the client enjoyed walking the dog and even went to the dog show a couple of times. But time passed and he began to notice that he was tired of getting up in the morning, every day and on weekends, and on holidays, and in the rain, and in the snow. And the most offensive thing for him is that he loves his wife and does not want to wake her up in the morning and force her to walk the dog, although she herself sometimes takes the initiative, but very rarely, 6 years have passed. Now the client is in mixed feelings; he loves the dog and hates it at the same time, although he himself understands that it is not her fault. After working with the client, the next solution was found, the client will look for the opportunity to move to a private house with a plot where he will have the opportunity to let the dog out into the yard, thereby preserving the emotional health of yourself and the dog. The story is described with the client’s permission. The data has been changed. Subscribe to my articles. Sign up for online consultations89200176355
