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From birth, a child is completely dependent on his parents or significant adults who raise him. He needs security, love and care - these are the basic needs for the growth and development of a child. When a child is born, he does not yet know this world, he does not know anything about himself and other people. Parents also verbally and non-verbally, based on their experience, show what kind of world and what kind of child is in this world. With this base received in childhood, the child enters society - kindergarten, then school. The child, based on the received base, learns to integrate into society. He sees that there are other people who are different from him - in character, actions, upbringing. At this stage, internal conflicts may arise when the child sees that it could be different, not necessarily as the parents broadcast it to him. If we come back to you - the importance of parents in a child’s life, we can say that thanks to them, the foundation of the child’s life is laid. And then the question arises - And if this foundation was not stable, will all life be the same? The child received from his parents what they could give, and as an adult, he can already “see” where there are gaps and give himself, so to speak, “complete” his inner parent on his own. Many of us were traumatized as children, but that is no reason to go with the flow. An adult has an option and opportunity - to make his life better, not to focus on traumas and grievances against his parents “they didn’t do something”, but to accept that they didn’t do it, not because they are bad, but because they couldn't give more. And through acceptance, begin to get to know yourself. I think that all parents love their children, each of them does it in his own way, as his parents showed and taught him. Article about Separation Anxiety https://www.b17.ru/article/370621/ __________________________________Your psychologist, Larisa DegtyarPhone - +7(926) 782-13-57 Website - https://taplink.cc/degtyar_psyMy telegram channel (Channel topic : Weight, eating behavior https://t.me/degtyar_psy
