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Having recently become interested in the topic of business, network marketing, wealth and development, I once again note to myself that the institution of family and marriage is, what is more, another business project everyone who wants to make a profit in the area of ​​their life called relationships, family, marriage. As in the article “Sale and relationships are the same thing,” I will try to draw parallels between the stages of business and the stages of marriage, which will allow you to see the direct relationship of one with another. This will be a “sign” to you that success in business can be transferred to the family – everything is ok. Or vice versa. So, how does it work? Any business project involves going through three stages: startup (initial growth), stabilization (sustainable growth) and growth in breadth and upwards. The same processes occur in family and marriage. Here are comparative characteristics: At the first stage in business, you try everything, solve problems as they come, run after clients, don’t understand what you can offer them, “lick” everyone and everything in order to increase your ratings and somehow get into the market . You define your product, service, benefits, benefits and capabilities. The “jack of all trades” principle. In the formation of relationships (after marriage), approximately the same thing happens. You, with your newly made partner, are building a chaotically joyful relationship, with high expectations, with a large assortment of your “cool” qualities, which stick out in order to attract your Partner for as long as possible, to show your advantages and the opportunity to be useful. You are euphoric from “victories” and you have grandiose plans. If you successfully passed this stage in business, did not waste all of yourself on “running around”, having received your first profit, acted wisely with it, did not burn out, and having suffered the first failures did not give up, then at the initial stage of the relationship, all this is just as accessible to you! At the second stage in business, you no longer “rush headlong,” you stabilize it. You work on what you have. You develop and stabilize internal processes, work on your reputation. Strengthen long-term relationships, etc. and so on. (I won’t go deeper, we’re not writing about business after all). The next stage in marriage implies everything, the same thing. It is very important to slow down and create your own internal comfortable system of life with another person, where there is a place for delegation of responsibilities, and a budget, and spending time together, and losses, and bonuses, and a development plan. It is important to remember that a good foundation provides a solid basis for a long-term relationship. The second stage involves a clear distribution of roles in your relationship and your marriage. There must be agreements, agreements, a light element of creativity and complete trust. Only then will your “business” work. The third stage in business: growing in breadth and upward. This stage is characterized by both growth with a “+” sign and growth with a “minus” sign. You already have a stable position in the market, which allows you to confidently plan and prepare for the growth of the company. Acquisitions, mergers, partnerships, alliances and strategic alliances are available to you. New products and services. The expansion of market supply is more relevant than ever. In a marriage (or relationship), this is perhaps a period of 2-5 years of marriage, where many processes have been established, there are already successes, but there is also accumulated dissatisfaction, maybe routine and routine, which can both times and result in growth with a “-” sign. In order to prevent this from happening and the collapse of the project, called “marriage”, it is important to do a number of things aimed “upward and outward”: Develop yourself and thereby, you will improve the quality of life of your entire “company” - your marriage; Try new and new “approaches” to your Partner and your relationship, according to the principle “the client needs to be surprised”; Fall in love with your Partner every three months, thereby strengthening long-term ties with him. Learn to see where you actually started; Bring novelty into your life through other “partnerships” and alliances (hobbies, meetings, communication, career growth, children, leisure, etc., etc.); All this will allow You are extremely long!
