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The points mentioned in the last article are just some examples of the influence of the family environment on the emotional development of children. Another example: Parents who frequently help their young children become more aware of their emotions will make it easier for children to express emotions appropriately. For example, when parents accompany their children during playtime, parents discover that their children's toys are stolen by other children with whom they play. Then the child cries. The attitude of parents accompanying the child, who then try to stop the child from crying. Parents who are wise enough will not only scold other children for returning toys, but also give children understanding. Make it clear that when our toys are taken away, we have the right to feel sad or angry. These feelings can be expressed by crying or telling an adult watching them play, rather than by being rude to the person who took the toy. This way, in addition to the fact that the child will be more familiar with the emotions that he is experiencing, he will also know what to do when he experiences that emotion. Nobody ever said that being a parent is easy. Then many things are realized that force parents to learn not from other people, but from their own children. Parents wouldn't be "parents" if it weren't for having children. You may be able to read a lot of books about raising children or books about raising children. However, how often do you find yourself confused when what is written in the book does not match what you encounter with your child every day? After all, the best teacher for parents is their own children. What parents feel, what emotions children experience, what happens as their thinking develops are dynamics that cannot be fully explained in a book. Studying the development of each child during the golden period of growth is an interesting exercise. You, as a parent, certainly have the right to do whatever you think is right for your child. In addition to the fact that you hold on to books and the experiences of other people, do not forget that your children are also the most important teachers for you who accompany their growth. Psychological counseling Popov Sergey - https://www.b17.ru/popov_sergey Phone - 89152853918
