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Why this happens: there are a lot of plans and ideas in your head, but there seems to be no desire to achieve them, to grow, to move forward. Many people talk about inner emptiness; a feeling of giving up. And it seems that there is no way out of this and there is some kind of endless scenario of hopelessness. There are many reasons for apathy. But today I want to talk about one of them - excessive demands on yourself. Almost each of us has a desired image of ourselves - the image that we would really like to achieve. As a rule, this is a very idealized image. In it we are always athletic, active, purposeful, disciplined, successful, wise, friendly, cheerful, love all people, unconditionally forgive other people’s weaknesses, etc. And it seems like a wonderful goal, but the trouble is that, wanting to achieve it, we are disappointed in your present self. All the time comparing ourselves today with the ideal image, we see how far we are from our ideal. And then the inner critic comes into play, which constantly tells us how imperfect, worthless, insignificant, weak, etc., etc. We scold ourselves, we continue to try to achieve an ideal image, but the slightest failure again turns on the critic mode and triggers self-flagellation. Self-flagellation triggers internal resistance to demands, and resistance deprives you of the desire to do anything. In turn, inaction again turns on the critic. And so on in a circle. At the same time, few people think about the fact that each person with all his characteristics, abilities, and life experiences is an expression of life itself. By berating ourselves, we demonstrate self-rejection. Without accepting ourselves in the present moment, we do not accept Life. I think there is no need to say that inspiration, anticipation, inspiration, strength, aspirations, etc. “do not grow” in such conditions. A beautiful garden of these feelings can only grow in an atmosphere of goodwill, support, self-care and non-judgmental acceptance. Therefore, if the reason for your apathy is excessive demands on yourself, then the first and most important step to restore inner harmony is to transform your inner critic into a better one friend. A loving, caring, supportive friend. Give yourself words of encouragement. Say that you accept yourself, that you will support yourself, that you are always there, that you will help yourself along the path to an ideal image in an atmosphere of deep respect and self-worth. Try to compare the sensations from self-criticism with the sensations from words of support. I am sure you will feel the difference, and will also notice that in an atmosphere of goodwill, motivation awakens by itself, without any additional effort on your part. If you need help understanding yourself, I invite you to a consultation. Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram +79063080838 With respect and acceptance. Daria.
