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Calm, only calm! How to maintain it amid the general chaos?:))) On my social networks, I recently posted posts about the coronavirus, the hysteria and panic raging around it... And in these notes, I noticed that panic is a very contagious thing. As soon as one raises a cry, a wave of horror immediately spreads throughout the entire area! First of all, a few words about panic. What is this phenomenon, and what is its danger? "PANIK is one of the mass phenomena of the psyche, which is a state of increased disordered activity and anxiety that occurs in large groups of people (masses) under the influence of factors that carry a real or potential, but quite serious threat to their life and well-being. Panic is accompanied by a strong expressed emotions (affects) such as fear, horror, restless and disorganized, instinct-like behavior. Panic often arises under the influence of not a real, actual threat, but only rumors about the possibility of such a threat (for example, rumors about an upcoming sharp deterioration in the material conditions of people’s lives). Panic, once arising, is then transmitted from person to person using such mechanisms of mutual psychological influence of people on each other, such as infection, imitation and suggestion. already on your ears: Limit communication with alarmists. If there are overly impressionable people in your circle who make noise with or without reason, it is better to limit communication with them as much as possible. And even more so, avoid gatherings of such alarmists. Remember, panic is transmitted instantly and without consciousness! If you feel that there is a boil around you, it is best to leave this place. Do not believe any unverified information. As soon as you hear from someone about victims of the virus / declaration of a state of emergency / terrible consequences of the disease... - go to official sources (websites of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations...) and check the information! Look at the official statistics on the spread of the disease: they are now very optimistic! Don't believe the statistics? Ask competent doctors about the distribution and characteristics of the disease. Only from real and trusted doctors! Don't be impostors! Develop critical thinking! (I post some techniques and exercises in my public page). Master relaxation and self-regulation techniques. Breathing exercises work great! I periodically post techniques in the public. Pay attention to positive events! There are a lot of good things happening in the world right now ;)Spread the word: Do your part to stop the spread of panic. Be healthy and happy! Despite everything)) My post in which I write what is worst in the current situation: https://vk.com/psyclub_biz?w=wall-58302688_7207
