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Aggression is the most important driving force of life. Yes Yes! It is necessary for a person to grow and develop. Any person. To each! Sounds weird? Eating, chewing is an aggressive action, walking is kicking the ground😊. Also a manifestation of Aggression. But for some reason, many people find it difficult to accept their aggressiveness and respond adequately to aggression, that is, to repel the aggressor if they happen to encounter it in everyday life. In essence, aggressiveness is a manifestation of one’s strength, one’s inner potential. Aggressiveness allows a person to meet another person halfway not in order to destroy him, but in order to manifest himself next to him. And this is a great opportunity to get closer to a person. There are, of course, exceptions. And here's a little more about this... 👇 Aggressiveness comes from powerlessness, when a person is unable to cope with the situation, thereby showing his weakness, but does not want to admit it. Maybe he’s used to getting what he wants. This strategy has roots in childhood. For sure! Or, as a rule! This is an expression of one’s powerlessness, disappointment, and sometimes rage. And in this case, this force is a destroyer. And this is an extreme. And this is unacceptable. If this behavior is repeated, then you need to react ❗❗❗ There can be many reasons. It’s individual here. One morning I came across a post on Instagram* that really touched me, I felt like the information was strongly responding to me and I thought for a long time before writing this article, but probably it was that post that gave me some interesting thoughts . So, briefly what the information in the post was about. The girl reports aggression from a loved one, specifically her husband, aggression that she is unable to resist. And he writes that he gets lost every time he encounters similar manifestations 🙄😖🤐 I tried to ignore it, not to attach importance, so as not to develop conflict in the relationship, but I can’t not react. I began to encounter such manifestations from my husband more and more often. And finally the question: What to do in such a situation? What is the best way to act so as not to provoke a scandal, conflict, and not to suppress yourself? 💥Answer: Give a response to the aggressor in an acceptable form. I believe that if a person directs aggression at another, then he is subconsciously ready to receive it in return. Therefore, it is NECESSARY to respond to aggression in any case, everywhere and always. Your self-esteem will thank you later. ❗You need to respond to aggression with adequate aggression, even if you don’t want to, even if it’s not normal for you. Thus, you will clearly make it clear: “Be careful,” “Talk to me in a polite tone,” “Stop yelling at me,” “You can’t do that with me,” and so on. Moreover, this should be said not in a trembling, uncertain voice, with anxiety inside, but in a calm, confident tone, looking into the eyes if possible. Show that you don't need conflict, but you can stand up for yourself. How could it be otherwise if we suppress ourselves every time we encounter aggression from another person, we feel angry that this is unfair to us, but we cannot react for various reasons. Anger accumulates, it doesn’t go away. It is stored somewhere in the body and the time will come when there is no room left inside and it will shoot somewhere: maybe into somatics, or maybe into deviation. Whatever is weaker will suffer. So... I have already received many different stories and reviews from other people on this topic, and I will be glad to see your responses! How do you cope with aggression yourself and how do you react to its manifestations from people around you? * Instagram is owned by Meta, which is recognized as an extremist organization in Russia.
