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There are so-called golden rules of psychology and psychotherapy, the objectivity of which representatives of different areas of psychotherapy are convinced of, they just talk about them in different terms. They are collected in this article, which I bring to your attention. I hope that by reading it, you will be able to start a process of change that will lead you to the fullness of human existence. You may also notice that some of the golden rules overlap with each other. This is so, because in reality, man is a single being. And you can break it down into sections and points only in theory, for the convenience of science))* Be honest with yourself. Without this it is impossible to be yourself. One of the criteria for psychological well-being is the ability to be oneself. There is a clear and obvious relationship between the skills of being honest with oneself, living a full human life and knowing oneself. Know yourself - many of the greatest thinkers of humanity advised to strive for this. People who have lost touch with themselves turn to a psychologist and any other external authority. That is why they look in the outside world for someone they can trust more than themselves. Happiness is within. We spend too much time looking for approval and reassurance from others. And it always turns out that we are looking in the wrong place. Look inside yourself. Say a passionate “Yes!” to everything that makes your eyes light up. Say an unapologetic “No” to everything that doesn’t interest you or that you don’t have time for.* A person develops through play activities. This statement is also true for adults. We all play "Games People Play"). Our many roles, masks, statuses and attempts to realize different sides of our personality. Therefore, trends in psychology are now actively developing, which allow you to develop with the help of special psychological games.* Live here and now. Don't focus solely on your own goals and desires. You risk missing out on the beauty of this life and the people around you. The world is a wonderful place when you walk through it with your eyes wide open. And not only with your eyes, but also with all channels of information and feeling. Live in the present. This is the only thing we have now. Learn from the mistakes of the past and enjoy the good memories, but don't cling to them or let them haunt you. Dream about the future, but without fanaticism and obsession. Love the present.* A person has the right to experience any feeling in relation to any phenomenon and any person. Become aware of and explore your true feelings. It is very important and very difficult to learn not to judge yourself for your feelings. Try instead to accept that you are experiencing them as a fact and try not to blame yourself for it. It's just feelings. Therefore, it is completely useless to tell yourself what you “should” or “shouldn’t” feel. Feelings cannot be “decent” or “indecent,” “mature” or “immature.” Your task is to learn to recognize your feelings as they are. ANY. In this form, they provide the key to solving all your problems. When a person restrains his feelings, this is not a sign of intelligence. Reasonableness is about being the person you really are, even if others have a different opinion on how you “should” behave. And if it is not always possible to express your feelings in front of others, then no one is stopping you from being yourself, from being honest with yourself. Denying feelings deprives us of the opportunity to know what they could say: after all, feelings are the very experience that on the basis of which a new understanding arises. “The difficulty of people seeking advice about their personal problems is that they do not know how to be themselves, cannot express their individuality” Rollo May. In exploring his feelings, a person learns about more and more strange, unconscious and dangerous feelings in yourself. A person becomes familiar with elements of his experience that were previouslyexpelled from consciousness as threatening, harmful to the structure of his self.* The benefits of studying psychology do not cancel the benefits of methods of improving life: fitness, hardening, diet and other rules of a healthy lifestyle. Even an ordinary walk in the fresh air and the sight of beautiful landscapes can miraculously clear your head of unnecessary thoughts, bring you back to life and lift your spirits. (But they do not negate the benefits and importance of psychology)* Truth is not born in a dispute. Truth is born in dialogue. Therefore, those who know how to conduct dialogue are closest to the truth. And dialogue presupposes a kind attitude, sincerity, trust and the ability to understand one’s feelings. And in deep interpersonal communication there is an opportunity to learn very deep things about a person and the world.* Dreams are just dreams. They are simply part of our internal psychological content, presented in a certain way. Dreams can signal a problem when the dream is repeated and the person in the dream cannot “get out” of a situation.* Leave unanswered questions. Firstly, they leave potential for development. The thing is that there are very few absolutely accurate (and definitive) answers. To most of the questions that life poses to us, we can only give “temporary” answers. They are necessary in order to do anything at all before anything is known absolutely precisely. Secondly, for many answers you will find the final answer later, when you rise to the next level in development. If you are honest with yourself, many things no longer seem so obvious. Someone else's answers to someone else's life questions somehow turned out to be your vision of reality. The vision of reality does not always correspond to true reality. Hasty answers to complex life questions provide temporary relief, but also imperceptibly lead away from reality. At first, reality reminds itself of itself through minor disagreements with your image of it. And if a person remains inflexible, then serious shocks await him. Palaces built on sand will inevitably be destroyed. A person must be honest to the end, honest unconditionally, with a willingness to question himself, to question his beliefs. This can be done if we believe that there is something immutable that is the subject of our research. A person is afraid of doubt only when it seems to him that if the worldview he has already created is shaken, then the whole reality will waver, everything will waver, and he will no longer have anything to stand on. A person must have the integrity and courage to constantly question all his points of view, his entire worldview, everything that he has already discovered in life - in the name of his search for what really is, and not for complacency and not for “confidence.” Every person contains an infinite Universe. Self-confidence therefore contains the confidence that in every person, and in me in particular, there is an area that is elusive to me; and that by being myself day after day, as perfectly as possible, as sincerely, truthfully, honestly, courageously, sacrificially as possible, in the end, I will reveal and set in motion more and more new forces that cannot do anything be stopped. True self-confidence is the confidence that there is something in me that I do not know, something incomprehensible to myself, that can unfold and reach some measure of completeness and perfection; self-confidence is based on knowledge of oneself, perhaps on some kind of exaggerated self-esteem; faith does not need any self-esteem, because its subject is precisely the mystery of man.* Experience is born only from practical activity. In practical activities, mistakes are inevitable. Therefore you will make mistakes. This is 100% fact.* The natural self rests deep within our body, buried under numerous layers of tension that serve as representations of our repressed feelings. To get to this deeper Self, a person will travel back in time to himself..
