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Psychotherapy differs from psychology primarily in that here we do practical work with ourselves, with our unconscious, and not just talk about the problem or give useless advice. If this is so, then is there a universal technique that can be used in most problematic conditions (be it anxiety, fear, aggression, pain and other troubles)? Fortunately, there is such a technique and it is called MHD (in other sources MDG or EMDR, but the meaning is the same), which stands for eye movement method. This method was originally developed by the American F. Shapiro; she was prompted to create it by a vital necessity; she suffered from breast cancer. Taking the method as a basis, Kovalev S.V. refined it during psychotherapeutic practice. The method is based on the connection between eye movements and a certain mode of brain functioning. Below I give an algorithm for performing this technique: 1. Remember your unpleasant state and feel it in your body (fear is usually felt as cold and pulsating inside the stomach, aggression with pressure in the chest, etc.), imagine what it looks like (for example, a fireball or black hole), what sounds it makes (for example crying or screaming). 2. Assess the overall level of trouble (from 0 to 10 points, where 10 is the maximum, if the level of trouble is more than 5 points, then it makes sense to start working, or don’t even waste your time on nonsense); 3. Concentrate on this unpleasant state and close your eyes; 4. While concentrating on the unpleasant state, begin with your eyes closed to make horizontal movements with a maximum amplitude 24 times (from left to right and back counts once); 5. Having completed the horizontal movements, open your eyes and measure your level of discomfort; 6. Concentrate again on the unpleasant state, begin with closed eyes to make movements in the form of a “lying figure eight” with a maximum amplitude of 24 times (one made “figure eight” is considered one time, make the movement no matter in which direction); 7. Having completed the “lying figure eight” movements, open your eyes and measure your level of unpleasantness; 8. Concentrate again on the unpleasant state, begin with closed eyes to make circular movements clockwise with a maximum amplitude of 24 times (one circle made is considered one time, make the movement strictly clockwise); 9. Having completed the circular movements, open your eyes and close them again. 10. Take 3 deep breaths and exhales, open your eyes. 11. Rate the level of trouble (from 0 to 10 points, where 10 is the maximum; if the level is more than 5 points, repeat the exercise). 12. If the unpleasant condition appears again, work with it according to the proposed scheme. Based on the book by S.V. Kovalev “Neuroprogramming of a successful destiny.” Psychologist-psychotherapist Sitalev Denis Lvovich sitalev.ru
