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Start in the articles: Adult children of alcoholics 1-45 Read them in the selection Adult children of alcoholics and other difficult parents Part three. At work: self-sabotage syndrome. Chapter 12 Overview Let's look at how the characteristics of ACAs manifest themselves at work. ACAs are either hyper-responsible or vice versa. The ACA either takes over everything or abandons everything. Some middle option within the framework of interaction with someone is not available to them; they were not taught this in childhood. ACAs do not have a clear sense of the limits of their own capabilities, and it is difficult for them to say: no, and they do more and more. Not because they feel omnipotent, but because they cannot assess their performance and cannot refuse because everyone will then know that they are incompetent. At work, this means that ACA: 1. They do not know how to share responsibility, since they have no experience of working together: they either take on everything or refuse everything 2. Unable to trust that others will do what they agreed to. 3. May criticize the work of their colleagues or the company as a whole as harshly as they judge themselves. ACA loyal even when this loyalty is undeserved. The home of an alcoholic is a loyal place. People continue to live there, although it would be safer for them to leave. This experience then causes the ACA to remain in situations from which it would be safer to leave. Close relationships are difficult for the ACA to form, so if a loved one showed up, recognized the ACA and did not leave, the ACA will tolerate him, even if he is treated poorly. At work, this means that the ACA:1 Reasons like this: if I was hired, I must be loyal to everything in this job.2. Become loyal immediately and automatically. ACAs are impulsive. They become attached to the first plan of action they come across, without considering the alternative. As a result, control over the situation is lost, and energy is spent on eliminating the consequences of imprudent actions. At work, this means that: 1. In decision-making situations, ACAs are likely to behave rashly 2. Some situations for ACA are so difficult that they would prefer to avoid them. Is this article “about you”? Call 8-921-919-85-59, I work in person and online
