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Do a little test on your level of vital energy: From 1 to 100, without hesitation, determine your energy level, where 1 will be very little, and 100 is okay, you are full energy. Do you always have this level of energy throughout the day? You can determine your level right now or tomorrow during the day at different periods: In the morning immediately after waking up, after lunch, in the evening when you return home from work and before bed. Also put numbers from 1 to 100. Using this simple test, you can get ahead of your energy level during the day and understand when and after what you are left without energy, after what actions, events or thoughts. Where the energy “merges”: Self-rejection (your appearance, some qualities, life). Rejection of your work. Destructive, “toxic” environment. Through problems in relationships (at work, in the family). Inability to take care of yourself (health, rest, nutrition). Not correct daily routine. Unfulfilled promises. Unfinished or unstarted tasks. Empty, aimless conversations. TV. Bad habits. Inability to manage your emotions and feelings. Suppressed emotions, desires. Destructive thoughts. Loss of energy is also the result of an unbalanced life. These are just some of the reasons why we are left without energy. It is important to see where your energy is draining, to find the reason - the effect connections. The first thing in any undertaking or business is awareness of the problem and its cause. If you daily and consciously pump up your energy level, and do not let everything take its course, Life will become many times more interesting and richer. It happens that a person is not satisfied with something in life, and he does nothing to change this situation - in this case, he will lose energy. Or if someone constantly feels negative emotions, then it is time to change something , because you have less and less energy! There are quite a few practices, techniques and exercises to understand yourself and your life. I can offer this, I think that most people know the “Wheel of Life” exercise or it is also called “ Balance your life." Many people know about this exercise, but not many have done it. It will help you understand in which areas of your life there is a drawdown and which area needs to be “pumped up” so that it does not drain your vital energy! If there is “mess” in some area of ​​your life, this will undoubtedly affect other areas, which will also sag over time. We live in a common energy field and you can’t just turn a blind eye to anything! Draw a wheel and divide it into areas of your life (as shown in the picture), label them and put the numbers from 0 to 10. Now mark in For each area, a number that corresponds to your satisfaction in this area, put how you feel. The number 10 will be an ideal life that completely satisfies you, 0 accordingly does not satisfy you. You can paint these spheres with different colors. Ideally, you should end up with a circle, i.e. wheel, if it turns out to be a square or another figure, then they lied. The Wheel of your life will arrive somewhere. After such a diagnosis, you will see which areas of your life need to be improved. Identify 3 areas for yourself right now and outline 3-4 steps in each of them that you will take this week to improve these areas. Think about what can help you in implementing these steps. What can stop you. And determine the gift that you will give yourself when you complete these steps! What will you get for yourself when you complete these steps? Life will definitely become better! Your level of self-esteem will increase! Your level of vital energy will increase! You will give yourself promised gift!
