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The question of power in the family is the question of who has the last word and who is responsible for the consequences. The most paradoxical option is when one person makes the final decisions, but the other is to blame for all the troubles. This family model is unlikely to bring happiness. Which one can? Equality? Often, in response to the question of who is the boss in your family, you can hear the answer that we are all in charge (alternatively, we make all decisions together). If the way it sounds and the way it actually happens coincide, then this is another sad version of how you can be unhappy together. Now I’ll explain with an example. A family is a single organism that lives according to similar laws as an individual human individual. Remember the proverb “husband and wife are one Satan”? So, metaphorically speaking, a family is one living person. What happens if both make decisions, if no one has the right to have the final say? The result will be a man with two heads, and rather not a man, but the Serpent Gorynych. Continuing to consider the metaphor that a family where there is no main thing is the Serpent Gorynych, we find other interesting discoveries. His lair will always smell of smoke and fried food, because where there is no one who has the last word, there will be conflicts and fire of feelings. The moral of this fable is this: a family needs a head and this does not exclude the fact that the interests of all parties will be taken into account when making decisions , and even, on the contrary, contributes, since energy is spent not on arguing one’s position, but on finding a solution. Who would be better off being this head, a man or a woman? Here practice speaks better than words. Remember how many married couples you personally know where the woman is the head of the family and everyone is happy? Yeah, it’s hard to remember, isn’t it? Here's the answer.
