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Probably, there is no person who has not experienced the state of falling in love at least once in his life. The feeling of happiness, flight, fullness of life is not a complete list of experiences that describe this state. A person appears who attracts feelings, desires, and thoughts. Time is measured by possible meetings, the joy of life is measured by glances and touches. The illusion of meeting your ideal arises: “He is just like I dreamed of, he has exactly the eyes I like, the same thing is important to him as it is to me, we understand each other perfectly.” The embodiment of a dream is what is important here: “...my dream... favorite image... the same thoughts.” All this is a projection of one’s “I” onto another. Projection is the attribution of properties inherent to oneself to another person. Projection occurs at the beginning of contact, when there is still very little information about the person with whom the relationship is being established. For example, someone really likes their appearance, and then they will appreciate this beauty and grooming in other people. However, it may be different: someone dreams of a slender figure, then he will be easily fascinated by people with a model appearance. The projection can be expressed through highlighting similar features (he is the same as me), or reflect secret desires (he is the way I want to be) The same thing happens when personal qualities are attributed. For example, based on one feature “he is kind, he loves animals,” a conclusion is drawn about other features. “If he loves animals, that means he loves children, because I love animals and children.” It turns out that if he is like me, then he should feel, think and act the same way. The question may arise why strong and tough men often like weak and soft women. The answer to this question can be found among the supporters of C. G. Jung, who note the presence of feminine traits (anima) in men and masculine ones in women (anime). In addition, in every strong man there is a small child who needs acceptance and support . The same child can give this (play together, fool around, be irresponsible). Therefore, the man projects this child onto the woman. He sees in her a weak creature with whom he wants to play, be carefree, cheerful. Something similar happens to a woman. She projects her strong traits onto a man. A woman endows her chosen one with determination, courage, intelligence, which she does not see in herself. Often she attributes to a man qualities that she herself is endowed with, but for some reason cannot demonstrate. This is how women appear who tell their men how to run a business, build a career, or write a dissertation. Here, perhaps, it is worth noting the difference between falling in love and physical attraction. Attraction is more about physiology than psychology. If a man is attracted to beautiful women and this attraction ends after physical intimacy, there is no reason to talk about falling in love (feeling), it is an instinct (feeling). Sensation differs from feeling in that it captures a minimum of human consciousness: there is an object of attraction (stimulus), there are actions aimed at achieving it (energy), there is a result (discharge of energy). At the same time, there is no interest in the inner world of another person, no need to open up to him. The state of falling in love is associated with feelings. There is a desire to tell another person about yourself, as well as listen to him, rejoice and grieve with him. In this state, a person overcomes his closeness, loneliness, and unrequited feelings. Therefore, falling in love is often accompanied by anxiety, self-doubt, and fear of rejection. Projection allows you to overcome these feelings by emphasizing the similarities. In addition, the “chemistry of love”, the action of serotonin (the hormone of happiness) also reduces fear. Differences are not noticed or are not given importance. In a state of love, there is very little real contact with a real person. Falling in love is communication with oneself, a projection of one’s “I”. That's why so many loves end in disappointment. When a lover discovers.
