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It has long become a truism that an organization’s personnel need to be developed. It’s only a pity that personnel development often comes down to the two most beloved things in our country: either “Heals” or “ Teach.” Of course, a fair question may arise, what is the difference between the verbs “teach” and “develop”? I’ll try to explain my point of view. You can teach children. You can teach adults only in those areas in which they have no prior experience had your own experience. In a situation where you want to improve the skills of employees in areas already familiar to them, we can talk about “development”. When we talk about “development” of personnel, we must not forget about its basic principles. Principle 1. Development is based based on previous experience. The manager must observe the situation, preferably from the very beginning to its completion. In order for the observation to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to set the basic criteria. For example, one of the criteria for monitoring salespeople may be “identifies the needs of the client.” After observation there must be an analysis of the experience gained. Principle 2. Self-analysis of the experience gained is more effective than analysis from the manager. The manager’s task is to build a dialogue with the subordinate in such a way that he himself can answer the question: “What can be done even better.” Principle 3. After receiving the answer to the question “What can be done better?”, it is immediately necessary to answer the question “How can we do better?”. At this stage, it is important to remember that depending on the level of development of the employee, we choose the way to find an answer to the question posed. A new employee We ourselves say “how it should be” and discuss the possibilities of applying the acquired knowledge. Experienced employee - we remember “how it should be” and discuss why we are not using an effective method. Principle 3. The acquired knowledge must be consolidated. Obviously, it’s easier to learn, read the lecture and sleep soundly. But the result from the lectures is very doubtful.
