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And today we will talk about gratitude. It’s strange that when they talk about the topic of sex, most people’s eyes start to light up, but when they talk about gratitude, they start to yawn. Either the topic is so boring, or they don’t attach any importance to it. Although gratitude is very important in life. So let's look at this amazing topic. Why amazing? Yes, because people often shake other people - “I didn’t sleep at night, I dedicated my youth to you, but you can’t even find time to call me.” What is this about in the line above? When people say thank you, do you feel good? It’s pleasant, pleasant, like a balm on the heart, and we immediately warm up to the person. Is not it? It was just a reminder of what this gratitude does. Let's move on, everyone has known or heard for a long time who the victims are. People can be victims of circumstances, other people, their own poor judgment, and so on. This is the environment in which a person lives temporarily or permanently. Think about the people around you that you know and think that their situations are different both in plot and weight, but they have something in common. What they have in common is that they are dissatisfied with someone or something. I had a woman in my program, she was dissatisfied with her husband’s income, rare sex, and her unfulfillment. I asked her: “When your back hurts, what do you look at and what do you think about?” And she replied that the pain was concentrated in her back. – When did the tooth hurt? About what? She replied that she had no time to think, living in this pain. – And if you had suitcases with money under your bed, what would you think about? “First there would be panic, and then I would think about where to shove them so that inflation doesn’t eat them up and so that they don’t get stolen.” Please note that no money is bad, and eating money is also bad. And when is it good? And this is already such a way of thinking. And again, please pay attention, this happens in relationships, business, and career. If there is a desire, a person will always find a reason to suffer. And you can get out of the victim mentality with the help of gratitude. And I have a simple but effective exercise for you - thank everything around you: Woke up - thank you pillow for a pleasant dream. We woke up on time - thanks to the alarm clock for waking us up. They put the kettle on - thank you kettle for heating the water for me. I caught my eye on some pets - thank you for having me. We got to work - thank you transport for delivering me safely and on time, etc. You can speak out loud, or to yourself. And if you do this constantly, after just a few days of such training you will begin to appreciate what you have. And your attention will shift from scarcity to abundance, and then amazing events will begin to come. Have a nice day.
