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"I'm afraid of relationships with men!" a frequent request in therapy for the trauma of rejection and not uncommon topics with fear of contact on the forum. In the article I will show a case of working with the fear of contact and the impossibility of intimacy in relationships with men of my imaginary client. The web of relationships is thin and fragile, like the same web that one day falls into fly. A fly, striving for light and freedom, suddenly finds itself tightly entwined with invisible threads. Likewise, a person who desires love and intimacy may find himself captive of doubts and fears. The spider, the master and creator of this web, is initially invisible, but his presence is felt in every vibration of the invisible threads. Likewise, a man in a relationship can frighten not so much with his presence as with the subtle consequences of this presence. The fear of contact with men sometimes resembles the fear of a fly before an inevitable meeting with a spider. The fly knows that upon contact it will have to either fight for its freedom, breaking away from the sticky threads, or completely submit to their power. The same in relationships: the fear of being caught and losing your independence, the fear of the unknown, of losing control over your own life, blooms in the soul like a deep abyss, ready to swallow freedom. But it is important to remember that not all webs are equally dangerous, and not every spider wishes you harm. Many of them build their networks just to protect and preserve the beauty of the moment with you. The difference here is in the subtlety of perception and readiness to meet not so much a predator spider, but a guardian spider, ready to share its web in order to create something amazing and truly valuable together. I am afraid of close contact: fear of rejection in relationships with men. Fear of close relationships with men - a fairly common phenomenon, the roots of which can go deep into personal experience, upbringing and cultural attitudes. Fear of close relationships with men develops in women as a result of 3 reasons: Past negative experiences in relationships. One of the most obvious factors in such fear is previous negative experiences in relationships. It could be emotional or physical abuse, betrayal, cheating, or simply a toxic relationship that has left a deep imprint on a person's mental health. Memories of such relationships can cause fear of repeat pain and disappointment. Fear of loss of autonomy. For many people, close relationships are associated with a loss of personal space, time and independence. This fear is especially characteristic of those who value their freedom and independence. Subconsciously, such women may perceive close relationships as a threat to their autonomy, fearing that he will have to sacrifice his own interests, hobbies, or even personal development. Low self-esteem and fear of rejection stem from childhood. Often the fear of intimate relationships with men is rooted in low self-esteem and the fear of not being accepted for who you are. A woman may fear that she is not worthy of love, is not good enough for her partner, or that his inner world and personality may be rejected. As it was in childhood with a significant parent. This leads to a fear of opening up, showing vulnerability and being sincere, because such sincerity can be accompanied by a feeling of vulnerability. Reframing these fears usually takes time, patience and work with a scenario psychologist. I usually work with the fear of close relationships and contact with men using cling foil . This plastic material, which does not stain your hands, allows you to get into direct contact with your feelings and separate the fear that takes shape from the subconscious. I offer my clients with fear of intimacy to work with foil in two options: Free form. Take a sheet of foil and sculpt something that is sculpted during the story about the early trauma of rejection and then I work in the Gestalt approach with the resulting figure. Directed sculpting. I propose to mold the fear of rejection itself and then build.
