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Continuing the topic of maturation of abilities, we will consider sequentially the main stages of a person’s maturation. Let's start with the earliest one - infancy. (It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that these stages are distinguished conditionally and do not always correspond to scientific classifications). So, this stage begins from the moment of birth and conditionally ends with the development of the little person’s ability to walk. During this time, a very intensive restructuring of the physiological mechanisms of adaptation to new conditions of existence occurs. This is the first step towards independence, autonomy. A baby, once in a new environment, must learn to perceive itself as something separate from the mother's body. He must develop the ability to independently digest food, independently maintain body temperature, and independently secrete energy metabolism products. At the same time, the born person learns to be an individual. After all, while we were in our mother’s belly, vision or hearing had no significance for our survival. After birth, everything changes, and each of us learns to look at ourselves and at the world through the eyes of the people around us, first of all, parents and educators. Thus, the first thing we learn is points of view and ways of perceiving. This is why a small child does not yet have his own opinion. He is forced to see the world through the eyes of those with whom he lives, to learn their language, otherwise he will not be able to communicate with them, which means he will not be able to survive. Thus, the process of learning about the world begins for us from the very moment of birth, but due to our helplessness and the inability to move independently, we first explore this world mainly through awareness of our bodily sensations. We touch everything that surrounds us, taste it, stroke it, pull it. Thus, we comprehend shape, temperature, consistency, hardness, mass, strength and other properties that can be felt through direct contact. With normal development, we develop the ability to adequately sense the world and our body. If the surrounding conditions are too uncomfortable and the child constantly experiences hypothermia or overheating, hunger or satiety, lack or excess of physical contact with parents, then the process of learning the world will be distorted and the child will develop his distorted perception. In later life, this may manifest itself in impaired skin, taste, and temperature sensitivity, excessive irritability, distortion of sensations or dullness. In extreme cases, when the first year of a child’s life is a complete stress for him, he can get stuck in infancy and practically not develop further. Such children continue to live with a constant feeling of physical pain, discomfort, horror, are afraid of any touch, and experience severe irritation at any attempt to communicate with them. Of course, at the same time, they are unlikely to develop further, learn to speak, think. In less painful, but inadequate for survival situations, children can also slow down in development, because they will pass any information through the filter of their distorted, often painful sensations associated with memories of the first year of life. All this often leads to big problems in adulthood. If a person is healthy, he normally reacts to the touch of other people, does not tense up, does not flinch, does not get irritated. Accordingly, his skin and mucous membranes also do not show signs of irritability; they are clean, without allergic or other rashes. At the same time, their sensitivity is not impaired, there is no paresthesia, numbness, insensitivity, or hypersensitivity. Normal temperature reactions, no chills, no cold hands, feet, etc., no excessive chilliness, dryness or sweating. And, of course, there is no pain. Psychologically, a person who has no problems with body sensations does not experience fear of physical contact and discomfort during it. He does not freeze when he is excited and does not overheat from excitement. In other words, he.
