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Women's rights or what feminists got wrong (social myths)I want to devote this post to the need to relieve tension among those who are faced with misconceptions regarding the fight for women's rights or now the infringement of men's rights, or some conflicts with the masculine or feminine principle, as well as the fears and anxieties associated with them. Let me start with the fact that when I was in graduate school, as part of a social psychology course, one of the most interesting topics that I studied was about social myths. These are not fairy tales about social roles and states, but real horror is about how to masterfully make entire masses of people believe in something completely opposite to the truth. The author Roland Barthes described a whole logical chain of how this is done through the media. We can say that social myths are logical errors, cognitive distortions that are created on purpose. By the way, for example, people who are looking for happiness or trying to earn it will forever be hostage to this myth. Because happiness is a feeling that is always with each of us and is available to us at any time. It is enough just to realize that the word “happiness” itself gives the answer to what it is and what it is eaten with. Happiness is being a part (“with” - “part”), that is, feeling, realizing your involvement in something or someone. In the film “Into the Sky,” the main character, played by George Clooney, talking about happiness, says that if you close your eyes and imagine when you were happy, then you will realize that in those moments you were not alone! Even if happiness is felt by us alone, then, as a rule, it is experienced in participation in something greater (nature, the starry sky, the ocean, an idea and even a part of ourselves). So, the truth is that men and women are a single biological species inhabiting planet Earth along with others. They look like reasonable people. That is, men and women are 100% “human.” Accordingly, they, as “people,” have the same needs, and therefore equal rights and responsibilities necessary to satisfy them. For example, each person has a physical need for food, water, housing, which means there are rights and responsibilities for work, rest, and salary . The need for security gives rise to responsibilities for maintaining bodily and property integrity. Also, every person has important mental and spiritual needs for creativity, respect, acceptance, dignity, compassion, religion, etc., and accordingly, responsibilities and rights arise according to social norms, etiquette, morality , mental hygiene, etc. This is like in labor legislation, when all employees, as a single type of employment, are provided with an equal minimum salary, for example, 10,000 rubles. That is, it does not matter at all what position the employee holds or what job function he performs. The only thing that matters is that he is an employee, and therefore is obliged to receive 10,000 rubles. Thus, by the fact that a man and a woman belong to a single biological species - people - they should have equal rights and responsibilities to satisfy equal needs. Now , let’s look at how many men and women there are in each person. That is, all “people” (I take the average statistical section) have arms, legs, liver, neck, eyes, teeth, etc., and this is let’s say 70-80%. That means men and women are 70-80% absolutely equal, exactly the same “people”, but the remaining 20-30% will differ significantly thanks to their genitals and hormonal system * Accordingly, men and women will have a specific difference in a number of needs. It is important to note that thanks to this, men and women do not have any competition, since by nature they need different things and interests in terms of these differences. Agree, a woman does not have a fundamental need to pee standing up, demand the right to facial hair, fight in a bar or participation in a cigar, political club. Men are unlikely to have a desire to write while sitting, the right to sanitary pads, talk about nothing orgossip about Kim Kardashian's new plastic surgery, or an analysis of fashion trends in table setting. I didn't find enough information about what exactly - which activities increase testosterone and which estrogen. But their obvious difference is that testosterone requires active activity and risk, and estrogen requires calm and tranquility. And it is from these differences that completely different needs arise, which means the need for different rights and responsibilities. By the way, these differences should also consolidate healthy rights and responsibilities associated with the fact of these differences. For example, do not belittle a person of the other sex, respect existing differences. And if we continue the analogy with labor legislation, then all workers have equal rights and in this they are 70-80% similar, which is secured by a single minimum wage, a guarantee of an 8-hour working day and annual leave. But since each employee has a specific position in accordance with the job function he performs, in this they all differ by 20-30%. In relation to these differences, in fact, uniform rights and responsibilities must be established, such as not to belittle employees of other positions and respect existing differences. And also, the rights and responsibilities of directly employees of a particular position, in accordance with the job functions they perform. For example, it is unlikely that the cleaning manager has a real need for a personal office with a conference table or a secretary, as well as an irregular work schedule. And the head of the department needs a mop or lacks a higher education. Thus, if you look at the history of that time, when women supposedly had no rights, then in fact women had rights: they had their own women’s rooms, led women’s meetings, could emphasize their gender through clothing, jewelry, they had the right to specific female activities; they could manifest themselves as women - flirt, dance, their gender was accepted from the position of men by emphasizing their differences from men through signs of attention, compliments, care. But, women of the same time did not have human rights. There was no right to vote, the right to hold positions, the right to work, the right to complete security, the right to divorce, the right to children, etc. And these are not women’s rights - these are the basic, minimum wage rights and responsibilities that every person should have, just like biological species on our planet. A couple of years ago, a friend of mine told the story of her relative, who moved to Canada from Russia and complained to her that, in his opinion, a white, healthy, adult man was the most oppressed person in this country. “It’s as if I owe everyone, I don’t have any rights, I have to work, I have to pay taxes, I have to support the state, I have to give my place to the disabled, to minorities, I have no right to be indignant, I have no right to be healthy, etc.” And, of course, this is quite sad to hear. Because from one myth that women had no rights, we move into the next myth with the lack of rights of sometimes completely fictional characters and an attempt to take away the existing rights from those who actually have the right to them. That is, applying labor legislation, it turns out that we had employees, for example, in the position of “Women” and they received 20,000 rubles for this, but it so happened that these women did not have payments of 10,000 rubles, as they were due based on the minimum salary. In total, they received 20,000 rubles. Workers in the department worked with them in the position of “Men”, who received 20,000 rubles per position and 10,000 as the minimum wage. Total 30,000 rubles. At some point, a certain trade union decided to restore justice, but without understanding the situation, instead of demanding a minimum wage, it began to demand payment for the position. As a result, employees in the position “Women” began to be paid 10,000 rubles, which is the minimum wage. As a result, “Women” employees began to receive 30,000 rubles. At this time
