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Everyone wants to be better - this is everyone’s natural desire. At the deepest level of the collective human psyche, there is an ideal that is held by everyone by default. We can say that we all secretly know what a person should really look like, and around this ideal the basic immunity of humanity, which is so zealously protected by viruses, is built. The ideal person for all times is a person unlike others, wise and loving. If a person leaves these eternal values ​​and becomes like everyone else, he immediately becomes a victim of viruses. The danger of viruses arises only where the moral level of society deprives a person of purity and the desire for self-improvement. For example, the AIDS virus infects those who have lost their childhood dreams, herpes affects those who are cynical, and the coronavirus sticks to those who believe that everything can be bought and sold, and so on. We live by knowledge in search of the truth about ourselves This is how a person develops. As samples of beauty, truth, strength and purity enter the collective treasury, a person acquires divine qualities and gradually acquires his real natural traits, and vice versa, if dirt, cynicism, indulgence in vices and hopelessness enter the treasury of humanity, then this border is zealously defended by infections. Viruses attack those parts of a person’s consciousness that make a person a thoughtless herd. If patterned behavior affects the whole world, then it is a pandemic, if only certain habitats, then it is an epidemic, and so on downwards. Viruses infect the collective imperfection of man. This is why globalism in any form is so dangerous. Viruses in general can be considered an indicator of national and universal moral health. The highest thing that nature supports in a person is the curiosity to live, that is, the craving for the best, interesting, developmental and divine. People with inner warmth of the Soul do not get sick. The development of the Soul is not a figure of speech, it is a very real urgent need for the stability of man as a species. Only the experience of deep happiness is recognized by nature. Lazy Souls slowly cool down and cannot feel happiness simply because of a lack of moral strength. Viruses correct the fate of humanity, and correct the ecology of the deep general consciousness. Their main goal is to kindle the fire of the soul. Those who understand this recover, but those who do not realize this may become chronically infected. Where people become cold towards life itself, a whole variety of infections arise. This is why when external weather conditions coincide with internal ones, outbreaks of diseases occur. In the eternal risk group, those who do not accumulate their personal fire of life, through their personal understanding of reality, simply have no time to think. I repeat that all those who live by patterns, like everyone else, are susceptible to viral infections. On a planetary level, the virus destroys everything that people do together, but this makes no sense. Where people repeat thoughtless things day after day, viruses do the same in humans and gradually create inflammation that brings to the surface long-outdated behavior patterns. Thus, in the trash of prejudices, viruses create gaps in the new. Thus, the progress of people's consciousness continues. The main goal of the virus is a return to the spirit of the uniqueness and beauty of the design of each life. Viruses truly make us understand that nothing in this world is accurate, predictable, or static - viruses push us to understand that the most important thing for a person on earth is to comprehend life as fundamental an art form to be in it. This is nothing less than an inspiration to live! “There are no patterns, and if you rush through the calendar, churning out identical days, then you are already dead. And if you feel inspired by life, then you come to life every day, creating a living God within yourself!” Only deep dissimilarity from others is true immunity! If a person is too stereotyped, then he dies, if partially, then the process of dying of templates occurs through inflammation, temperature and discharge. Viruses attack with a strong appetite only the spiritual
