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This article discusses two examples of dream interpretation in psychoanalytic work in long sessions. According to psychoanalysis, in order to understand neuroses, we must know unconscious desires and neutralize their energy, that is, eliminate them as source of attraction. The most important way to achieve this is the study of dreams. In a nutshell, Freud's theory of dreams is as follows: 1. Dreaming is a way to neutralize the energetic core of the repressed.2. When a person can recognize this core and neutralize it in a psychoanalytic session, it is no longer a source of drive and symptoms are no longer needed, liberation occurs. From an energetic point of view, this is a very simple theory and dream interpretation is the most important way to resolve neuroses. A dream is a repetition of memories, and sleep protects the dream precisely to guarantee this repetition, this memory. So, a dream is a thought, a night thought. What mental processes are activated in the work of a dream?1. Primary processing includes masking, displacement, condensation, symbolization.2. Secondary processing. Let's look at examples of the operation of some dream mechanisms. The first censorship mechanism is condensation. The effect of condensation is manifested in the fact that several elements of latent content in a manifest dream are embodied in one element. From your own dreams you will easily remember the condensation of different persons into one. Such a mixed face looks like A, but is dressed like B, performs some action that, I remember, B did, and at the same time you know that this person is D. Example 1. CondensationDream of a young analysand."A young man I don’t know , but whom I can trust, gives me a note written in an unknown language. I knew that the note would help me. I kept it in my pocket, but I didn’t have time to read it. The young man disappeared.” that the young man resembles one friend whom she could not help and with whom she broke up the first time when she entered the university, and the second time when she moved to Italy. Associates separation from a loved one with the loss of a mother who died while the analysand was far from her mother. The analysand still cannot forgive herself for this and cannot process the loss of her mother. Also, in the near future she will not be able to engage in psychoanalysis for work reasons (she will be very busy). A distance from the psychoanalyst is formed. She said this a few days after the end of the session with the dream. As a result, the dream interprets the problem of separation from a person. In the dream character, images of several characters in the analysand’s life are condensed, who have a common, subjective characteristic: they help and can be trusted. Example 2. Displacement The work of this mechanism is expressed in the replacement of an element, the hidden content of a dream, with a hint. Importance, significance, intensity of this or that representations can, as it were, separate from it and move on to other, initially weaker representations associated with the first goal of associations. In addition, this mechanism can produce a shift in emphasis from some elements of the dream to others, so that the most important elements of the latent dream turn out to be almost invisible in an explicit dream, and vice versa. The analyst agrees to daily sessions, but only on a rational level, she has a fear that something might happen from such close contact with the psychoanalyst. She has a dream where her son comes home from kindergarten and has red spots on his hands. The analysand spends a long time making associations with these spots, describing all the different reasons why they appeared. It seems that red spots are the main representation of the dream. In the second hour of the session, she remembers that her younger brother got lice in kindergarten and experienced emotions of love for him, as well as envy and rivalry. Only after many sessions did she manage to discover the hidden material of the dream," (2018)”
