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The concept of “basic trust” was introduced by E. Erikson, this is the first stage of psychosocial development. This is the experience of first interaction with the world. If a child is sensitively cared for, if adults are able to satisfy his needs, the child develops an idea of ​​the world as a place where “everything is fine”: if you want to eat, they will feed you, if you fall, they will comfort you. The world seems to be a safe place, and if the world is safe , there is no need to create defensive fortifications; close in armor; calculate in advance all the contingencies (which will also be perceived out of shape: something bad will happen, but a pleasant surprise will happen) and hold on to a death grip on an already proven parent or partner, in the hope that he will help cope with this horror happening outside the door If, as a result of the first years of life, a child has this feeling of security, confidence and warmth, it carries through his entire life. And in the future it is the basis for trust and hope for the best. This is the foundation of personality, its relationship to itself and others. This is the basis for a positive image of yourself and the world, intuitive confidence in a bright future, the basis of the ability to ask for and accept help. Such trust gives meaning to activity. We will not participate in the lottery if we think that there is not a single winning ticket. There is no point. There are no guarantees in real life, but with hope it makes sense for us to try. As a result, some of these attempts sooner or later bear fruit, which strengthens self-confidence and the world. Without this inner confidence, we either don’t try at all or we try but don’t put in our full effort. The result of such an approach will be natural and will again strengthen the attitude: “the world is cruel.” What else threatens the lack of such basic trust? What do you want if you find yourself in a dangerous, unpredictable place, like the heroes of some horror movie who realized that somewhere in the alley a maniac was waiting? Or in a world full of dangerous monsters? You will probably want to move to a safe place first. What if this is not possible or there is no such safe place? Then you will have to be on guard or run away into the world of dreams, try to be distracted at any cost (each of these strategies has its own limitations and consequences). A person who has no hope for peace is in constant anxiety; this is the general background of his life. This can lead to a variety of anxiety disorders. Panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, procrastination, phobias, etc., all of this can be the result of an unformed basic trust in life. If you can't trust, you need to either check or accept the inevitable. The first leads to stress and anxiety disorders, the second to apathetic depression. It happens that a person flounders and flounders in attempts to “arrange a safe place,” but the danger is so great that only creating his own kingdom behind the Iron Curtain and a six-story bunker can help. But not everyone has such opportunities and a person gets exhausted and burns out. By the way, such people may come to a psychologist with a question: where to find the strength to continue to actively fight windmills. If we are talking about everyday life, how can a person be hindered by the need for confidence, the habit of double-checking everything around? Imagine that you come to a great store to buy something for dinner. And on the way out, a security guard approaches you and offers to show you the contents of your bag. Will you want to return to this store? What if you returned and the situation repeated itself? People around a person with a basic distrust of life will feel something like this. By the way, returning to the analogy with the store, there is a possibility that there will be a category of citizens who will return only to take something out; here social games are already beginning (if anyone is interested, you can read Byrne). In such a scenario, a person dresses in armor and cannot build calm, trusting relationships; he tries to stay at a safe distance so that.
