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Who is she - a woman, what does she consist of? As in the children's song - what, what, what, what are our girls made of? Many women spend their whole lives searching for this question; some are lucky and have the answer in their youth, maturity, while others still cannot understand who am I? Why do I live like this? How do I know what I can change? I'll start from the beginning. When we see a woman, what do we see at first glance? What do we read, and what do we feel, feel next to her in reality? We noticed how it happens in life: she’s pretty, open, but something worries her and rejects her. How can you tell whether this woman is true or false? From Alfred Shchegolev’s book “The False Woman” - “Image, face, figure, gait. A woman speaks not only with words, she speaks with pauses, the sound of her voice, facial expressions, gestures, the expression of her eyes, her entire appearance, the cut of her clothes. She doesn’t convince, she doesn’t prove, she wants to be believed—believed because it is she who speaks, all of her, everything in her, and not just her words. The internal subjective content is not so much realized by a woman as it is emotionally experienced by her, giving rise to mental movements, feelings and penetrations in her, which are something directly tangible and understandable only for a woman. The inner world of a woman is difficult to understand within the framework of rigid logical thinking; for formal logic it is too confused, whimsical, capricious, and intricate. True femininity is thoroughly permeated with religiosity - a reverent and mysteriously beautiful feeling of life, love, faith, compassion, a deep and intelligent feeling, intimately introducing it to the incomprehensible magic of intuitive insights.” A false woman is a neurotic woman, a bearer of all kinds of masks. Translated from the Latin word "persona" means mask. In Russian, the word persona has a synonym - personality. A mask is usually something fake, behind which the genuine, real thing is hidden. The mask of personality hides your inner true essence from people. A false woman copies a true woman, imitates, but does not become like herself. This woman is devoid of true, deep, empty inside. In the previous article “The world of a woman - circles on the water”, I wrote that the very first, inner circle is the inner world, the inner child of a woman, her core, the field where all the processes of creation and creation, transformation and generation take place . There is a place where everything originates, where there is a secret of the process of gestation, transformation, cultivation, no matter what it specifically refers to. The main thing is that this process is revived by the woman and realized, because once realizing them, it is possible to take responsibility for them, thereby triggering changes in all other “circles”. Whatever comes from outside, seed, knowledge, idea, everything must pass through this inner circle. Only then is a woman able to become true, get rid of masks, stop being a bearer of forms. In life, we endlessly put on masks, and do not realize that we are merging with them, losing our true face, essence. Understanding and living this process frees a person, makes him sincere, genuine and free. Such a woman really convinces, does not prove, she is perceived. This topic is close to the conversation about sexuality and sex appeal, femininity. Sexuality is an external manifestation of temperament, it is a challenge, a demonstration. Love-sexual activity puts a woman in an internally dual position: on the one hand, she wants to feel like the goal of life for a man, on the other hand, she easily becomes only a means for the emergence of a new life, and therefore in her love there is always a motive of sacrifice, without it there are love experiences will be incomplete, unsaturated, insufficient for her. And sex appeal, femininity, is the inner light that radiates, warms, attracts like a magnet. Femininity is attractive, but not sexy. The more feminine a woman is, the less sexy she is. Femininity inspires, not.
