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In my work, I hear different stories from people of different social status, material wealth, intellectual level and worldview. Each story is unique in nature, as is each of its owners. But sometimes there is something common that unites these people in their stories. It is precisely one of these phenomena that I would like to dwell on in my article. The woman who turned to me for help, let's call her Margarita, is quite a charming and interesting person. To an outsider, it may well seem that she has everything that in the modern world is considered the key to a successful life. But Margarita herself would not at all share such an opinion about herself. “Oh, if only...” she repeated every time we met, closing her eyes to what she already has, and which could well give her that very feeling of happiness that, according to her, she lacks so much. If only I had a different appearance, if only people around me appreciated me more, if only my childhood had turned out differently, if only... Many people make huge lists of similar “if only...”. The reasons for dissatisfaction with your life can be: appearance, work, salary, relationships with colleagues, friends, bad luck in love and much more. As a rule, such people believe that the amount of happiness in their life directly depends on the decrease in their lists of the “if only...” requirements they themselves created. But, no matter how strange it may sound, as soon as they get what they dreamed of and what would seem to put an end to their “unhappy life”, something new immediately appears, that very important thing, without which life loses its colors, becomes dull and joyless. And the person again returns to the fact that his life could be more interesting and rich, but just a little is missing to feel it fully. It's like a vicious circle from which it seems impossible to break out. So what makes us happy or unhappy? And what is happiness? What makes you overcome many difficulties in searching for this feeling? Probably, for each person the concept of “happiness” has its own meaning. For some it is to have a good family, for others happiness depends on their financial situation, for others they find it in work or promotion in social level. The list of possible options can be quite long. It also happens that a person moves from one achievement to another, in the pursuit of happiness, he rushes to overcome any difficulties in his path. But the number of achievements, as it turns out, does not in any way affect satisfaction with one’s life. The feeling of wild euphoria is quickly replaced by a feeling of inner emptiness. Something is missing, something that could make life filled with happiness. And then the thoughts “If only...” appear. Or perhaps what we are looking for so diligently, persistently overcoming any obstacles, should be looked for in the wrong place? Perhaps you should turn your gaze inward? And feel happiness here and now, at this very minute, second. Regardless of external circumstances: financial situation, success at work, the people who surround you at the moment. Perhaps happiness is when a person accepts himself and the world around him unconditionally, as he is, without the “favorite” phrase “If only...” Of course, this does not mean at all that one no longer needs to dream and stop striving for achievements. Desires and aspirations help make our lives more meaningful and interesting. But it’s probably very important not to forget that on the way to our dreams we can also pass by the best moments of our lives. Stop, look around and think that happiness is already near you, it is waiting for you to extend your hand to it, allow it to enter your life and fill it with joy. And then, perhaps, life will not seem boring and everyday, and happiness will not seem like an elusive mirage, on the way to which great obstacles await. Road to.
