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Tricks that you may be using to avoid starting to solve your problems. Of course, it is not necessary that you use them precisely in order to avoid going to therapy, but... Helping others. The most unobvious technique. He is also very respected in society. Who would throw a stone at a person who helps others? What about the children? In general, a treasure trove of procrastination. First, you need to deal with children’s grades, provide the child with clubs and sections, help your sister, friend, parents, husband, wife... Millions of those suffering and in need of help are waiting for it from you. Who can doubt the nobility of actions? And also You even signed up, but work inappropriately delayed you, you couldn’t refuse your colleague, and you didn’t make it, canceling the consultation an hour in advance, paying money for it and... do you feel a sense of relief? Yes, you once again defended yourself from solving your problems, you chose not yourself. Well done. And in ten years it will be possible to claim dividends for the gratuitous investment and rely on genetics in case of sudden onset of hypertension. Reading books for self-development. And attending equally important and, of course, necessary seminars. You are already solving your problem. But somehow everything is not the same. There, the book can be retold in an annotation, or even shorter, here the lecturer praised himself for two out of three hours, and for an hour he told three points that you already do and have already heard a hundred times... Books can even be useful! But difficult to implement. We don’t live in California, and even if you do all the good habits, you’ll have to get up at four in the morning. It’s somehow not the same, but you will definitely find a book that will solve your problem. Or a seminar for five hundred people. Or listen to a famous psychologist on YouTube. It’s also useful and he’ll tell you exactly what needs to be done. It’s also free. But you’re great. Don't give up. Endless choice. How to choose a specialist? There are thousands of them! And everyone writes well about themselves. Nobody writes badly! Maybe I should start with the articles “How to choose a psychologist”? Save yourself ten bookmarks “for later”. You read a couple of articles of the same type, where you can clearly guess the portrait of the author. Damn! How to choose? More expensive or cheaper? Masha went to the cheap one and liked it, but Vanya went to the expensive one and cursed with words that they don’t even write about Masha at the entrance. Average price? Oh, there’s something about his supervision that isn’t written down, and he answered sleepily, or too cheerfully, or didn’t answer and hung up on the call (breath of relief). But after a couple of years of sitting in the questionnaires, you’ll definitely find it. Well done, you don’t sit idly by. Hanging out on forums is also a great way to choose a specialist. You already understand who you need. You are subscribed to only ten psychologists and sit in twenty groups and forums. You are a savvy client who definitely won’t make a mistake. But why pay more if you are already on the forums and can distinguish projection from rationalization? So what if the problem has not been solved. But you see how interesting you are spending your time. Naturally, these methods also apply to psychologists and are easily transferred to other areas. But the main marker of procrastination is that you experience paradoxical relief when you go off the path of solving your problems and tasks. Thank you, I hope this was interesting.
