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Infertility. Contact with yourself before IVF Many fears of women preparing for the IVF procedure are fully realized by them, expressed many times (in dialogue with themselves or in the psychologist’s office), some are relevant, some are no longer so relevant. For example, fear of failure. Clear and natural. Indeed, not all expectant mothers' first attempt ends in pregnancy. Many mothers have to go through a second or third attempt in order to successfully conceive, carry and give birth to a baby. And it is very important to be prepared for this option. Create and maintain an optimal psychological mood before the protocol. Or fear of the procedure itself, fear of doctors and taking certain medications. Anxiety about this is also natural and common to many expectant mothers. Good contact with your doctor, awareness of the progress of the procedure, and a set of psychological tools that help maintain a good psycho-emotional mood help you cope. Ideally, work with a psychologist begins 2-3 months before the transfer. Psychological help for infertility But in addition to conscious fears, and I never tire of talking about this, it is important to understand our unconscious fears. Such work with oneself and their awareness relieve bad tension and make it easier to create a comfortable mood, which is so important for us before the IVF procedure. Of course, such work with a psychologist is the first stage of psychological assistance and is carried out before entering into the IVF protocol. It can be said that the most common unconscious fear in women with infertility and miscarriage is the fear of...success. Fear that pregnancy will happen and the baby will be born. Why can such a desired event in a woman’s life be scary and “unwanted”? There are a lot of options here, since each story is individual. For example, the fear of losing yourself and your life with the birth of a baby. Or the unwillingness to give pleasure and joy to the hated mother-in-law from the birth of a grandson. Or the fear that the relationship with the husband will undergo uncontrollable irreversible changes with the birth of the baby. Often, even just realizing what was hidden inside, it becomes much easier to move on. And this lightness is felt physically. But in any case, maintaining a good balanced attitude can reveal a more complete picture. To what extent this is, of course, possible and necessary in each specific case. For tips, practices, and exercises on this topic, see the section Infertility, miscarriage, IVF. Help for expectant mothers Good day and good mood! Katerina Istratova, clinical psychologist, crisis consultant, author of books. I help you become a mother! 🧡Record via WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber +7(929) 9020234, +7(916) 4015150My book about infertility
