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From the author: Name has been changed, publication has been agreed.– I love my wife so much! There are no words. She is an extraordinary person! So pure and decent, like….my mother! This is the only woman I trust! She pauses, looks at the floor and to the side. He turns his gaze to me. - Only there is a problem. I'm confused and don't know how to solve one issue... This is the first time this has happened to me: I was stuck in a “left” relationship for six months. I’ve already made the decision to break up, but it doesn’t work out. He looks at me carefully and studyingly. Waiting for a reaction. – I have a woman, a lover, I am drawn to her. She looks at me, the pupil is dilated, her eyes are running. – Vitaly, on a 10-point scale, how many points are you drawn to her? – 8. (Answered after pauses, as if thinking, to say or not to say). – What bothered you so much? – Well, this is all terrible, I can’t cope with myself, I used to break up with such women quickly, after two months... – S such - which ones? - Well, with those who are partying, dishonest. With people like her! Maybe she bewitched me? (Laughs). – Could she? – Of course she could! Since she does this to me in bed, it means she is capable of anything! – But, you also “do this” with her... Do you have an intimate relationship with your wife? how often? – Yes, two to three times a week. But with my wife everything is different... because I love her! She is...pure! In the mass consciousness, the image of a woman splits into two poles - sacred innocence and forbidden voluptuousness - in the images of the “Madonna” and the “Whore”, or the Vestal Virgin and the Temple prostitute. Men get different things from these female types, but subconsciously need both. There are few women who are able to combine “Madonna” and “Whore”, and this is also why there are so many betrayals. At the physiological level, a man receives bright and complete bliss. After such intimacy, he feels a surge of strength and relaxation at the same time. It is with such a woman that he completely switches off and, as it were, reboots his consciousness. There is a real, albeit temporary, disconnection from internal prohibitions, and besides, in front of the “Whore” he can be himself: without internal and external censorship, a halo and white wings with gilding. A man constantly strives to win. When he goes out into the world, he needs a strong Ego. On an emotional level, such a woman gives him a feeling of power and masculinity. With her, he is a winner. At the spiritual and semantic level, the man experiences bliss and a surge of strength. He receives not just an orgasm, but a merger on a higher, spiritual level, when intimacy becomes a creative force for him. He feels almost like a god - the Supreme Man. At the end of the day, every man wants to rest, to have a peaceful night where he looks to a woman as a source of peace and inspiration. At the physiological level, “Madonna” gives a man warmth, peace, stability. At the emotional level, a man receives an important feeling for him of his own correctness and purity. She helps a man establish contact with his inner self. On a spiritual and semantic level, “Madonna” helps to strengthen the feeling of accomplishment, as with a mother (or daughter), when a man does everything that is necessary for the benefit of the family, and this makes him satisfied with himself and full of self-respect. "Madonna" is femininity in its patriarchal embodiment. This is a woman-mother and keeper of the hearth, the archetypes of Demeter and Hestia, in bipolar expression: a woman-mother (for one type of man) and a woman-daughter (for another type of man). With “Whore,” a man “gets turned on,” and with “ Madonna" he understands where to "go". If it doesn’t “start”, it won’t move or will move at a crawl. And if it starts up and doesn’t know where to “go”, it will start running in circles, burning through fuel, or even stop altogether. Is there an answer to the question about the ideal woman? The truth is somewhere nearby, as usual, and the ideality of a woman is directly proportional to the initiatory maturity of a man: how psychologically he has grown and what he is ready for. Can these functions be present in one woman? Answer: yes, it was so at the dawn of time, but patriarchal societies,
