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To be a man means to have a set of habits that a person can only cultivate in himself. Masculinity is not inherited, it cannot be bought or borrowed for a while. You are either a person who lives “like a man”, thinks “like a man”, and most importantly, acts “like a man”, or you are still a “boy” who is not capable of this. Here are 6 mental habits that “men” have : 1. Men do not act based on feelings “Boys will let their feelings rule their lives.” They can rarely force themselves to do something they don't want to do. And vice versa, if they want something, they will certainly do it, regardless of the consequences. “Men” act differently. They have a vision of the future and an understanding of how to achieve their goal. Their life may be subordinated to “delayed benefits.” A “man” is able to endure inconvenience and discomfort “today,” realizing that this is a natural price to pay for success “tomorrow.” For the “boy” there is no tomorrow, there are only desires that require immediate fulfillment here and now.2. Men conserve their mental energy Every day we have several hours when the brain is at peak performance. It is logical that this time should be spent usefully. This is exactly what men do. They do not spend the best time for work in empty conversations and games. “Boys” are not able to understand that mental energy is a resource that must be correctly distributed and used. A few hours of productive work every day is the key to a lot of benefits in the future. Instead, “boys” play video games, sleep, engage in meaningless chatting on social networks, or get stuck watching videos on Youtube. “Men” try to invest their mental energy in those projects that will be useful and productive for their lives.3 . Men turn their bodies into weapons “Boys” naively believe that their body is a perpetual motion machine, given to them to enjoy the pleasures of life. They happily kill their body with alcohol, drugs, bad food, erratic sleep and sex. What kind of success, what kind of reliability and well-being can we talk about if after another party the body comes to its senses for several days? By the age of 30, a boy already looks and feels like a “wreck.” A “man” understands that health – this is the main resource in life. If you get sick, you can put an end to all your ambitious plans. A “man” eats healthy food not because he loves spinach and cabbage, or goes to the gym not because he loves pain. The “man” knows that it cannot be otherwise. You need to take care of your body and love it, like a car, like a very capricious and complex mechanism. Only in this case, the body will not let you down when it is really necessary.4. Men sharpen their minds like a sword. Boys don't like to study. They don't value books. They believe that they know and can do everything necessary for life. Their motto is “There is only one life and you need to enjoy it.” Pleasure comes down to video games, porn and parties with friends. “Men” value their intelligence and do not allow their brain to degrade. They read a lot and know how to learn something new from other people. The man is ready to reconsider his beliefs. The boy is also afraid of new information because it will be uncomfortable for him. Changing the point of view on current events is an impossible task for a “boy.”5. Men rely only on themselves “Boys choose education and careers because and as their parents advise them. They work where they are taken, and not where they want. They get married and have children because “it’s time” or there’s nowhere to go. A “boy” takes what lies in his path in life without really considering whether he wants it or not. A “man” is able to formulate what he wants from life and, when he wants it. A “man” will not do anything that is contrary to his goals or contrary to his beliefs. A “man” will choose a long, difficult and uncomfortable path, the main thing is that it leads to the goal.6. Men appreciate women"Boys""
