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In the previous article about asthenia, the causes leading to chronic fatigue syndrome were revealed. In this article we will discuss the phases of development of asthenia and some recommendations for self-help in this condition. The development of asthenia does not occur overnight. It develops in certain phases. And this happens over time. Often a person does not pay attention to the initial manifestations, leading himself to severe asthenia. 1st phase "equalization". It is characterized by the fact that a person begins to react equally to stimuli of different strengths. Everything irritates him and causes a reaction. Outbursts of anger, irritability, tearfulness, hysterics out of the blue. Phase 2 is “paradoxical”, characterized by the fact that a person does not react to strong stimuli, but various little things cause a storm of emotions in him. Serious problems do not seem to bother you, but because of a small thing, for example a loud sound, a person will flinch and react emotionally. 3 phase “ultraparadoxical”. This phase resembles the “equalizing” one, but exactly the opposite. With “equalizing” a person gets irritated to all stimuli, but with “ultra-paradoxical” any stimulus does not cause any reaction, whether it’s the will or not, as they say... it’s all the same and there’s no strength to react. General passivity, severe weakness, constant fatigue, everything is done through strength. Absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, slow-wittedness, a feeling of heaviness in the head. Asthenia is caused by mental and neuropsychic overstrain, so anything that helps remove overload helps in treatment.1. The very first thing you can do is get away from everyone and everything for a couple of weeks. From worries, troubles, problems. To a quiet, peaceful place.2. Good sleep and nutrition. 3. Maximum shutdown of emotional-intellectual activity for at least 2 weeks. Complete limitation of background information: telephone with Internet, TV, books, any intellectual activity. 4. For these couple of weeks, disconnect from any problems, postpone their solution until better times. Remove excessive demands on yourself: must, must, must. Allow yourself to be imperfect.5. Long and completely aimless walks, not for the purpose of entertainment, not running around the shops, but just walking and walking.6. Minimize conversations, communication, or better yet, eliminate them altogether.7. While walking, become aware of the here and now, notice what you see, hear, feel, get out of your spinning thoughts outside. If you feel like you can’t cope, come for a consultation. We will look at the psychological reasons and correct the peculiarities of thinking that brought you to this state. We will also teach you certain techniques that will help you unload your brain. © A. S. Stroganova, 2022 If you liked the article, put 👍 and share it on social networks. When copying text, a link to authorship is required. Clinical psychologist, CBT therapist Alla Sergeevna Stroganova. I provide effective assistance for neuroses, panic attacks, depression, phobias, etc. in St. Petersburg and around the world online. Sign up for a consultation through the B17 website Via personal messages VK https://m.vk.com/id517732291 Or by phone: +7 911 734-74-31
