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Gender psychology. Today we will talk about the natural features of manifestations of masculine and feminine, regardless of upbringing. Our ideas about the opposite sex are based on personal experience and fantasies on this topic. Usually we do not perceive classmates, brothers and father as men, since what is not named by children is not realized. At the same time, you will have to study the characteristics of the male psyche personally in the process of cooperation when creating a couple. The only thing everyone knows is that men want sex. This is knowledge that every mother tells her girl, and in some bad sense. The fact is that men who don't want this are much more dangerous. Not only do we not know anything about men, but no one tells us anything about themselves. About what our basic properties are and how to use them. Asexual upbringing before the age of 18 leads to delayed personal development. In our culture, boys are predominantly raised by women until they graduate from school, and learning requires precise repetition of the material and the attitude is laid down: “do everything as I do,” and so on until the age of 18. Girls' idea of ​​masculine qualities is formed not from life, but from films, literature and fantasies. Expectations are not based on experience. It is not taught and not accepted: to give up your seat, to help carry heavy objects, to open the door, to give a coat, to see you out. Respect for elders and women is not developed either in the family or in society. Equality in rights has deprived them of caring. A cult of children has been created, when everything is best for children, without effort and just like that, so men behave like children, they were trained to do this for 18 years and there was a boom in pedophilia. At the same time, girls also get used to the fact that men need to be commanded directly, just like teachers at school demand the repetition of female behavior. Disappointment as a source of recognition. At the stage of creating a couple, for some time the young man observes rituals drawn from various sources, but when living together it becomes natural. Let's start with the basic functions. The first difference is the attitude towards the body. Men feel bodily needs better than women and strive to satisfy them in the easiest and most convenient way. They usually do not skimp on bodily needs. Women are accustomed to limiting themselves in everything, food, sex, sleep, and enduring the urge to go to the toilet. This feature of the psyche is necessary for survival, the appearance and manifestation of care. Likewise, a man had to be physically strong to perform a protective function and therefore was obliged to take care of the body. How to use this knowledge in life. For men, marriage is legalized sex. If you punish with sex, even with great love, a man will not suffer for long. He will try to persuade you for some time, but he would rather have a mistress or invite a girl than suffer. The most pleasant option is sublimated into work. It doesn't make women happy either. Shift work methods are harmful to the family both during abstinence and infidelity. Given a choice, it is better to live together. Women who suppress their desires, assume that a man is capable of the same and feels the same, are mistaken. Men easily learn to cook, as it is within the scope of their bodily needs. They will be happy to help you in everyday life so that quality sex can take place, just ask correctly. Don’t explain why you can’t, but ask what specifically needs to be done so that you can. Peculiarities of thinking. A characteristic attitude for men is an immediate solution to a specific problem here and now. The task must be clearly stated and unique. Previously, soldiers were asked to repeat an order so that they would carry it out correctly. Often a man cannot isolate a specific task from a stream of complaints and reproaches and does nothing. The second option is that over 18 years he has learned not to listen to requests, since truly Important things will be presented in such a way that the work will be done. You may not listen until something really necessary. Women’s thinking is mosaic, we simultaneously think about different options, actions, we can, continuing the internal dialogue, start talking about what a man is in generalfor a long time he cannot figure out what this is about and in what logical way these conclusions appeared in a specific conversation. Men are able to perform a task efficiently with very clear instructions and in the presence of positive reinforcement. The attitude that he owes it and there is nothing to thank or admire will lead to a loss of positive actions. What difference does it make to do or not do, you won’t hear a kind word, so it’s easier to satisfy your desires. A man stops trying. Coordinate system. Men very often make mistakes when fulfilling women's requests, since the instructions are unclear. Men and women have different evaluation criteria. Women's options are emotionally charged: beautiful, comfortable, tasty, and so on. For men, there are logical ones that can be assessed: fresh, expensive, fatty, a certain manufacturer, size. A song about a meeting that didn’t take place illustrates this well. The task is to make a man fit your needs. And to take into account its features it is correct to set conditions. In any business, a learning process is necessary; to master it, you need to learn and have fun. Need for instructions. Men know how to follow orders. They are capable of serving in the army. It depends on your particular man what level of complexity of the order he needs. Some people need to set a task, others need to specifically describe actions step by step. Fairy tales about genies who grant wishes are precisely about concrete thinking. Remain yourself and use differences, not commonality, for progress and development. We exert mutual pressure, trying to adjust the partner to ourselves. It is important to maintain integrity, differences, otherwise attraction will disappear. Gender criteria as a function. Just 100 years ago it was easy to understand cooperation in the family, since it was reinforced by the difference in functions. The universality of the actions of men and women has complicated the understanding of the goals of marriage and complementarity. The essence of what is happening is that the man in the family easily creates the material world, and the woman the emotional one. From childhood, girls began to be raised to be autonomous, independent and self-reliant, essentially preparing them for loneliness, instead of learning to cooperate with a man. At the same time, women, while giving their all at work, do not take care of the atmosphere in the family at all. Men have concrete thinking, women want to work. Please. I will remain a broiler baby. She doesn't need a man. Women can do everything, but men cannot. They will not create an atmosphere in the family. Double workload destroys a woman. But it never occurs to her to first become successful in her role. In general, men create the material world easier, faster, and have an easy attitude towards money. It’s hard for you to get them, we know how to save money, it’s easy for men. They spend it freely. A woman should not give a man money. She must be able to take and rejoice and not feel obligated; her emotional role pays for any costs. Another thing is that you need to learn this and show love to a man in a form that he can digest. Forms of expression and acceptance of love. Creating an emotional atmosphere is showing your love in a way that is understandable to a man and accepting love from him. First, let's talk about ourselves. The main component female love in a relationship is caring: an energy-consuming option that pays off with a sense of personal need and leads to the infantilism of a man. This is a necessary option for cooperation, but its quantity should be such that you do not reproach the man and do not feel exhausted. Often all love is limited to this indiscriminately. To children of any age, husband, parents. A more mature version of love is cooperation and development. Organization of joint activities, division of labor, for rapid prosperity. In order for a man to do more work at home, he needs the right positive reinforcement. He wants sex and to feel great. Let's give it to him. A man can willingly give a woman an orgasm, money and hard physical labor for positive reinforcement. The man himself is essentially unpretentious; singles get by on little. A woman gives meaning for development. A man does not need to be made a woman or a parent, he needs tolearn to accept care in forms accessible to a man. The purpose of marriage. In our time of universality of functions, when a woman can do everything, fatherlessness is not condemned, sexual relations without marriage are allowed, the question arises? Why do I need a man? The answer is simple: for a woman, to have someone to love, for a man, to have meaning in life. Love is the power to create a personal world, your specific family. The appearance of children multiplies this power. There is a misconception that you can only love a child, then your world will collapse when he grows up or you will not allow him to live his life. A full-fledged world is created by a man and a woman, and their successful relationship is a high start for children, so that there is no need to reinvent the wheel again and again, condemning the unsuccessful experiences of parents. Love is not an abstract concept at all. It, like everything, breaks down into actions. In terms of emotions, you definitely love a man if you have strong feelings about him. The opposite quality of love is not anger and hatred, but indifference. We often get angry with children, but we don’t think that we don’t love them. Love in a family is determined by the intensity of feelings, and not by their content. Love gives energy to perform actions, and this is the most powerful source. Components: tenderness, the lightest and most inexpensive, we give a lot to children and animals, practically not to men and parents. Care: most often indiscriminately, we give to children, husbands, parents. This version of love must have a specific dosage and must be mutual. Cooperation and development are almost completely given to friends and at work, although this is a basic component for marital relationships and growing children, starting from the age of one and specifically from the age of 5. Free ears. Since woman is to man for meaning, do not leave his ears free. Men are very suggestible and begin to listen to their mother, friends, politicians, etc. You talk about plans for life, tasks, what is good and what is bad. and after a while he already voices these thoughts as his own. The main thing is not to fight for authorship, to admire and receive a gift from your husband. Attitude to power. A hundred years ago, the world was masculine, experiencing uncertainty in marital relationships and having power, men sought to lock a woman at home, for personal peace of mind. Now, in essence, the world is feminine, for women Anything is possible, men still cannot give birth to children, they have no choice, they need to somehow build a relationship with a woman. The option that has become common among us is that I can do everything myself, I don’t need him, and having power, a woman usually kicks a man out. In essence, men are kinder, although stronger. This, for example, manifests itself in relation to other people's children. A huge number of men live with other people’s children, and women usually have a sharply negative attitude even towards communicating with them, especially when they have their own children. Attitude to everyday life. At the stage of building a couple, when we still feel that we need a man so that we have someone love, show a lot of care, quickly corrupt our partner. Household chores can either be organized using intelligence or made an option for pleasant cooperation. Your husband’s nagging is always a manifestation of uncertainty in your love; if there is not even care, then love is not felt at all. But it will never be enough if there is no tenderness and cooperation. And resentment on your part will begin to grow at a terrible speed and will overshadow all the good things. Attitude to money. Most men easily spend money because they can earn money and will not appreciate your help. You can’t give money to a man and you should take it easily. He will just find a way to make easy money. Loans ruin a woman’s life because they cause anxiety. Men go overboard, overestimating their capabilities, but in a couple you can be adequate in everything. Attitude to entertainment: women often complain that they do not understand what they want. Men always have hobbies, usually related to the body and weapons. Power, money, passion. They are lying on the sofa, those who have been tied to their legs. There is no benefit to the home. Attitude to religion. Faith helps to structure life if a woman does not do this and often leads to very tough.
